I made an emotional plea in an emotional situation puting my name on the line purely at the word of a fellow clan member who has become a genuine friend in a relationship spanning 2 years. If Matthe wants to blame himself for offering to help, that's well within his rights, I'm VERY well aware that no good deed goes unpunished.
What is not ok is the manner in which it was handled after the offer of help - no update, & a very brief blunt uninformative response showing no compassion when I check back in after a week giving him time & space to do as he has offered. The person in question said the ban messages were in no way helpful & did not enlighten him in the least as to what he'd done. & I want to congratulate you guys on your compassion too - it was definitely worth pointing things out like text colour & everyone's claim of innocence, it was certainly relevant & valuable input.
Andras I left this forum a long time ago for the exact reasons in your very own thread. Being in here is banging your head against a brick wall. I came here as the only avenue I could think of to help my friend. Matthe it would be better off not offering to help if that is the level of help you are going to provide. I'm sorry this has turned not very nice, no doubt it comes across as petty, probably because it is. Matthe this is a CLF matter, because guess what? I am a Clan Leader, this is my forum, & this mattered to me. We can't run clans by ourself, especially large ones, & I just lost someone who worked side by side with me in supporting our clan.
No doubt you'll lock this, hide this, or something like that as you wouldn't want something with a shred of sense being seen by too many people.
It's the same old story...... I stand by my original messages to you, this person was very important to me & our clan, & after all this he is none the wiser as to what he has done.