See, I'd completely disagree with that Aaron.
A large number of us are very grateful for what Maz/MattHe/the others who don't post as much do for our clans, and don't hold back our praise when it's warranted.
That said, we can't build a relationship where criticism is taken seriously and our views on topics are clear if we have to sugar-coat everything we post.
All the JMods are adults - they know that we don't (or at least, the vast majority of us don't, and those that do shouldn't, and don't reflect the majority attitude of this forum) hold anything against them personally, but this forum becomes next to useless everyone is too careful not to tread on any toes.
We aren't given many avenues to direct our (often very valid) criticism in a way that is actually responded to - the CLF plays a very important part in that.
06-Dec-2015 12:48:47