D: This is no mask! I am a gorilla/salmon hybrid, made by His Highness, Ook. (Ook is life, btw.)
Anyhow, do I just put this questionnaire right here on this thread?
1) How did you first find out about clans and how did you become involved with your current clan?
Joined my first clan, Korrupted Fury because of forum browsing at the time. Was way long ago, maybe 2004? Not too sure. Anyway joined because of the same homeworld and I knew a lot of the members.
2) Do you doubt on your abilities as clan leader from time to time?
3) Are you able to control your anger when a member does something very wrong?
Yes unless they talk about about the Boston Celtics or Ook.
4) Have you ever had a dream about your clan?
Yes i dream't that we had a dual event with Dardan and he muted us all. Not even joking.
5) Would you ever join a clan again as a recruit?
Yes would love to work my way back up, thats half the fun.
6) Do you talk with members using other sites/programmes (aka skype, facebook, etc.)
Our clan has a Skype group for members, gets pretty fun.
7) What are your clans requirements for new members?
8) How does your clan handle ranking?
Activity/capping/etc etc.
9) What kind of events does your clan like to do?
PvM, like Nex and Vorago, and fun events like treasure hunting and hide and seek.
10) Does your clan have a clan citadel? (If so, what tier?)
Tier 4 citadel about to be tier 5. (in like 2 weeks)
Thanks for the welcomes.