Hello folks! I'm a newbie to the CLF's, being one of the Leaders in the clan Nocturnal Solute. Dropping in to introduce myself!
Hey nice to meat you!
We're from the same batch of CLFers I guess, so does that mean we're batch buddies?
I do believe it does!
Welcome Meek Milz and good luck with Tier 5!
Welcome aboard The Manswer!
Hope you all enjoy your stay. Come on in and make yourselves at home!
So let it be written, so let it be done! Thanks a billion.
Deputy Owner of
Anyone know if there's been any posts indicating the Clan Cup?
My clan has some ideas or things we'd like to see in this years clan cup which we feel would up the activity. Ofc I'd rather there be some sort of discussion thread here so all clans can contribute also so the curators can evaluate all our squabble and decide what they believe is best for everyone.