
3rd Avatar duties?

Quick find code: 86-87-717-65688084

Mod Maz

Mod Maz

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
I'm curious. If you didn't have the XP buff on the avatar... what WOULD you use on them? Mod Maz
Queen of the Squirrels
RS Training & Developer Lead

05-Oct-2015 20:42:56



Posts: 2,269 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If xp buff was not on then 99.8% NO. We have used the healing buff during Clan month (or was it week) a few years ago when it was buffed - but the clan pvmers now consider the heal not sufficient to forgo having other familiars with them. Cap at Citadel - again very very rarely if someone is short of time.

To be honest if you took away the xp buff the avatars would be a waste of time for us & we would forget them (I would also have the flexibility not to have the whole clan admin+ because of avatar versus kicking issues)

05-Oct-2015 21:55:20



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Re buffs: a couple of our Wardens use the Faster Capping buff in preference to the XP buff when working in the Citadel. I only ever use the XP one, both in the Citadel and out of it. And no-one ever uses any of the others.
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

06-Oct-2015 07:03:32

Dec Member 2022


Posts: 292 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thank you all so much for your feedback; I really appreciate it! To clarify some of the questions raised along the way,

+We only have one home world.
+We have virtually no f2p members

I've talked about all of your ideas with my fellow key holders, and we're going to slot the habitat upgrade in soon. We plan to have that 3rd avatar serve as a back-up, as some of you suggested, and to let it wander more freely when someone wants it, to see how well that goes.

Finally, to Mod Maz: I'm honored that Your Mazjesty deigned to grace my thread with her presence. :D In response to your question, if there were no xp buff option on our clan avatars, then we would use them little, and only for the skill plot bonus in the Citadel (which some of us like to use anyway - myself included). On the other hand, without the xp buff we might be motivated to find more interesting ways to use other buffs that we currently ignore. Who knows? And with that I leave at your feet the choicest acorn that I possess.

Thank you all again.
The symbol of Guthix does not represent his tears; indeed, it is found already in First Age, pre-God Wars ruins associated with Juna. No, the symbol of Guthix , twisting first one way, then back again, is nothing other than the Balanced Path .

06-Oct-2015 14:31:27



Posts: 534 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If we have 3 avatars deployed (rare), they are most likely:
1) Skilling buff in homeworld
2) Skilling buff in citadel
3) Skilling (maybe healing) buff in another world for a reason:
W84 for LRC or someone doing slayer marathon, etc.

21-Oct-2015 03:00:58

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