
Death of the orange dot.

Quick find code: 86-87-673-66079792

Jul Member 2013


Posts: 659 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Support to revert back.

I haven't heard a good thing about it from my clannies. If anything it causes conflict of who is or isn't on friends list when seeing a screenshot, when ultimately that should not be a competition or argument.

From a leader perspective: When doing screen shots for clan events, now it looks like all guests are the turn out to an event instead of a huge clan event with some friendly guests. I am very tempted to unfriend clannies just to make their dots orange but then I wont know when they log on to say hello and would have to add/remove between private messages.
`. I Know Right `.
\/ ~ * . clan .

09-Feb-2019 06:53:54

Apr Member 2014


Posts: 7,363 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think this update impacted people who tend to add all their clanmates (i.e. clan leaders) more than it did your average RS user. I mean at the very least now, our clanmates will be able to more clearly see who in the clan that they've added and who they haven't, so maybe a silver lining of this will be that people add each other more.

Toggle would be nice though.

I think it'll be fine as is - will just need some time to get used to it. It's just a minimap dot color.

This should be re-polled before it's reversed though if there are concerns with how the question was worded. I don't think it's fair to reverse it otherwise.

Rogue Ninja Civilization Thread | Clan Chat: Rogue Ninja Civ | Discord: Shikimoko4 #9894
† You can test our Faith, but you can't take our Pride. †

10-Feb-2019 05:07:12 - Last edited on 10-Feb-2019 05:08:23 by Shikimoko4

Sep Member 2014


Posts: 1,224 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't support this update.
Don't feel like it's necessary honestly. Clannies are clannies, they're friends anyway mostly and I know myself who I have added and who not. Makes orange dot useless.
Twitter: @young_wildling

10-Feb-2019 15:52:17

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 76,250 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Shikimoko4 said :
I think this update impacted people who tend to add all their clanmates (i.e. clan leaders) more than it did your average RS user. I mean at the very least now, our clanmates will be able to more clearly see who in the clan that they've added and who they haven't, so maybe a silver lining of this will be that people add each other more.

Almost certainly true. The reality is that this sub is always going to be a unique and exclusive group and sometimes that leads to sitatutions where what is ideal for you is far and away not ideal for anyone else. I'll use myself (average if that) for this example

For me, this would be a useful tool as most of my clan isn't on my friends list. No real need for the most part, if I want to talk to them clan chats perfectly usable 99% of the time. They'd need to be above and beyond the normal therefore. As a result I don't have to much mix over, my friends list contains maybe a half dozen clan members. On my clans homeworld, this makes them stick out from the rest of my clan. My clan will be orange, they will be green. Short of a non clan friend being on my homeworld (easily figurable) I can clearly identify my friends from clan members. With a revert, which isn't terribly concerning to me either, I can't do that. My clan will be indistinguishable from any other, just orange.

For the average person, its obviously going to be more beneficial this way I suspect.
"When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself... first, as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time, as a great hero"

13-Feb-2019 05:52:40

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