Ugh so that's why I've noticed some clan members as green, I was hoping it was a bug that would get fixed......................
While this broadly effects a lot of people, clearly this update has by far the biggest impact on clan leaders, who will naturally have a large amount of clan members on their friends list as they communicate with them regularly.
Often clan chat is impractical for a lengthy conversation because of the low character limit.
So it's ironic that it has the biggest impact on clan leaders, yet clan leaders are the people who would most like to immediately know if a dot they see is in their clan or not.
I don't recall the poll but if the wording was unclear or ambiguous & they've just gone ahead with it anyway, yeah it really lays bare their disconnect from, & lack of understanding of clans.
I suggest a new position called Senior Clan Manager, I recommend Mod Shauny, & suggest anyone working on updates that effect clans to consult with him.
I saw lots of orange dots yesterday of clanmates on my fl. I guess they're back in place. I wish there had been something in the patch notes about this correction.
I saw lots of orange dots yesterday of clanmates on my fl. I guess they're back in place. I wish there had been something in the patch notes about this correction.
They might have had PM off (in which case it shows as orange) because it's not been put back sadly
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They all had PM on & were showing on-line. I use Client, not NXT, so perhaps that's the difference. One clanmate even said that it was nice to see so many orange dots together.
The question on the poll was:
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Should the green friend dot take priority over the orange clan member dot when displayed on the minimap?
I can understand why people thought it meant those standing on the same square.
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