You know a good place for monsters that drop Citadel-capping tokens would have been the NPCs on the Citadel battlefield.
Steps to Revitalise Citadel Battlefield as Content:
Step 1:
Allow a Maximum of 500,000 Combat XP per week to be gained from the Citadel battlefield content.
Step 2:
Add "Citadel Booster Token" to the drop table of the Enemy NPCs on the Citadel Battlefield, as an uncommon drop.
Step 3:
Buff the Citadel Battlefield NPCs: Set their Life Points to 50,000, and give them the mechanics of both Cadaarn Mages/Rangers, and Warband NPCs - making them EoC-capable.
Step 4:
Allow the Citadel Battlefield NPCs to be killed for XP; with each kill awarding a distributed 5,000 XP.
Step 5:
Re-Enable PvP XP in the Citadel Battlefields.
All of this would help bring the Citadel Battlefield back as a legitimate way to train Combat. Because it would be capped at 500K XP/week, it would not be overpowered when put into consideration with the many OP ways to get Combat XP in the game.
When citadel was released, the monsters on the battlefield gave combat exp, but it got exploited by people who chinned/barraged there to gain tons of XP.
I am afraid that if u set to give them combat exp or allow PvP XP the citadel battlefield will be exploited, but maybe adding a Citadel Booster Token might be worth it, just not make it super rare but like 1/100 chance and make them EOC worth like u refer to the Elves/Warband monsters.
PS: I use to do the Combat challenge that required 100+ Cb mobs on citadel battlefield on my alt/Ironman. Since dead is safe there so I did not wasted resources on the challenge
Ceecs - leader of Ceecs Clan
Rank in Star Find, Harmed Ore, Beach FC | Ex-Rank in Fast SC
Ceecs Clan: DUTCH ONLY RS3 clan & Winner of the Iron Skilled Cup 2015!