
Can we have insta cap drops..

Quick find code: 86-87-516-65716193

Mar Member 2018


Posts: 25,434 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
One of the biggest problems with this game and always has been for a long time now is the amount of random stuff the shove into monster drops. The reduction of runes dropped by monsters was a big step in the right direction and the results of that ideology show today with what i believe to be a better overall quality in the runecrafting skill.

The reason half the skills are unprofitable and not worth training (apart from xp and maxing etc) is that you can get most of the useful stuff from monster drops, its an economy that isnt functioning in the way its meant to be, skillers supplying pvmers, i would look to drastically reduce what monsters drop not add to it and keep the other parts of the game exclusive to their own instead of being able to do everything on the game just by PVMing.

The whole "make it a monster drop" solution is lazy and damaging to the game and its content, probably a good reason as to why half the game is dead content.
. .•*(¸.•*´(¸.•*´+`*•.¸)`*•.¸)*•.

10-Dec-2015 06:26:13 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2015 06:26:58 by Scret

Oct Member 2005


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The idea would be not only to include monster drops as I gave a shortlist in my previous post. However, I can somewhat agree on your concerns over PvM drops these days, but upon release back in 2011, it would have been a perfectly valid addition to gather supplies by encouraging players to PvM with their clan mates.

Your comments on not wanting to tie everything into each other is also not valid, as I said, back in 2011 this is how citadels should have been envisioned, where clans would be rewarded with supplies over time for taking part in various activities together. Sort of like orts but where they are only obtained when you are with your clan.

Today though, the most relevant alternative would be to use this concept with skilling stations, even if its limited to them being used in the citadel. Any clan could then happily skill together via more variety in what is being used to train without wasting time capping.

I'm also all for removing upkeep altogether as you suggested.

Finally, the methods I've put forward are alternatives to capping skill plots, not full replacements, you could still choose that method if you say wanted to top up some resources before tick.
Don Mattywarrior
Mafia City

10-Dec-2015 11:27:33

Mar Member 2018


Posts: 25,434 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mattywarrior said :
The idea would be not only to include monster drops as I gave a shortlist in my previous post. However, I can somewhat agree on your concerns over PvM drops these days, but upon release back in 2011, it would have been a perfectly valid addition to gather supplies by encouraging players to PvM with their clan mates.

Your comments on not wanting to tie everything into each other is also not valid, as I said, back in 2011 this is how citadels should have been envisioned, where clans would be rewarded with supplies over time for taking part in various activities together. Sort of like orts but where they are only obtained when you are with your clan.

Today though, the most relevant alternative would be to use this concept with skilling stations, even if its limited to them being used in the citadel. Any clan could then happily skill together via more variety in what is being used to train without wasting time capping.

I'm also all for removing upkeep altogether as you suggested.

Finally, the methods I've put forward are alternatives to capping skill plots, not full replacements, you could still choose that method if you say wanted to top up some resources before tick.

I dont agree with branching out every piece of content and tieing it in with everything in this manner, the citadel is pretty basic piece of content theres no need to overthink it, over elaborate it just because people are desperate for a tier 7, your clan either wants to get a tier 7 citadel or it doesnt and it should be as simple as that.

because citadels will be truly dead content if you can start getting resources from here there and everywhere in the same way Jagex have done with other areas of game in the past.

In terms of what it takes to get tier 7 its fine the way it is.

In terms of what it takes to keep tier 7 i again support having no upkeep.
. .•*(¸.•*´(¸.•*´+`*•.¸)`*•.¸)*•.

10-Dec-2015 15:19:25 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2015 15:24:47 by Scret

Mar Member 2018


Posts: 25,434 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The monster drop tables for this game are already a complete shambles.

0 thought, 0 consideration for what other areas of the game it effects, 0 logic behind them, its just "lets make it as profitable as possible and shove as much crap in there as possible because thats the easiest thing to do"
. .•*(¸.•*´(¸.•*´+`*•.¸)`*•.¸)*•.

10-Dec-2015 15:26:14

Jun Member 2005


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I agree in that every piece of content does not need to be tied into every other piece of content, and that monster drops are over generous these days. However I have to lend my support to Matty and to some degree Acra. The citadels are not solely for skilling clans, so skilling should not be the only way for clans to contribute to them. It should certainly remain an option, but PVMers should be allowed to contribute in a way that allows them to enjoy the game and clan.
I take issue with an insta cap drop, but I would not be opposed to something like anagogic orts being used to help directly supplement a player's weekly contribution.

10-Dec-2015 16:50:36



Posts: 2,428 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For what it's worth, a clan citadel is barely worth having. I've never seen a player there that wasn't capping.

Well, not since the month after citadels came out, at least. We experimented with having clan meetings there, but forums and chat channels are much more convenient.

10-Dec-2015 17:00:28

Mar Member 2018


Posts: 25,434 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I agree in that every piece of content does not need to be tied into every other piece of content, and that monster drops are over generous these days. However I have to lend my support to Matty and to some degree Acra. The citadels are not solely for skilling clans, so skilling should not be the only way for clans to contribute to them. It should certainly remain an option, but PVMers should be allowed to contribute in a way that allows them to enjoy the game and clan.
I take issue with an insta cap drop, but I would not be opposed to something like anagogic orts being used to help directly supplement a player's weekly contribution."

The citadel is a skilling feature not a PVM one, why should we make it a PVM feature?

If your clan doesnt want to do citadel work because they are PVMers then it shouldnt matter anyway.

Im not sure why we should force extra content onto it because people dont want to do it.
. .•*(¸.•*´(¸.•*´+`*•.¸)`*•.¸)*•.

10-Dec-2015 17:02:16 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2015 17:04:41 by Scret

Tyki Mikk

Tyki Mikk

Posts: 906 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Scret said :
Subzero said :
Mod Maz said :
Rewards that are not earned are no reward at all.

But it's fine to sell this stuff on Treasure Hunter and Solomon's Store instead?

It's interesting to see Staff criticise the antics of their employer; Jagex give players plenty of rewards that are not earned (see the entire Christmas Advent Calendar), and furthermore, they go so far as to sell items similar to that suggested in this thread for real world money.

It's hypocritical, and unacceptable, to proclaim that monsters dropping Citadel-boosting items is "not earned" , but the company itself deem it perfectly fine to sell them through Solomon's store.

yea its a shame that Jagex overlooks this philosophy at times.

Right-o. Especially since at one point in time there was even the slightest consideration of directly selling levels to players. If you have that mentality that something gained needs to be earned, then great. But that's not what we see on the player's end. I'm not supporting OP's idea (at least not in its initial presentation), but this reply was humorous to say the least. At some point I would love for a JMod to come out and say "We're not doing that because we think we can profit off of it in in Solomon's store/Treasure Hunter regardless of impacts on the game (examples: citadel cap enhancers, Christmas tree combat familiar override while refusing to make boss pets do the same)."
Tyki Mikk
Master Quest Caper
, and clan leader of
Phoenix Tale

The Phoenix is reborn, and the Tale continues...

10-Dec-2015 18:00:24

Jun Member 2005


Posts: 21,835 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Scret said :
"I agree in that every piece of content does not need to be tied into every other piece of content, and that monster drops are over generous these days. However I have to lend my support to Matty and to some degree Acra. The citadels are not solely for skilling clans, so skilling should not be the only way for clans to contribute to them. It should certainly remain an option, but PVMers should be allowed to contribute in a way that allows them to enjoy the game and clan.
I take issue with an insta cap drop, but I would not be opposed to something like anagogic orts being used to help directly supplement a player's weekly contribution."

The citadel is a skilling feature not a PVM one, why should we make it a PVM feature?

If your clan doesnt want to do citadel work because they are PVMers then it shouldnt matter anyway.

Im not sure why we should force extra content onto it because people dont want to do it.

If citadels were strictly a skilling feature they would not include the battlefield, which is pvp. Instead they are a clan feature and there are clans of all walks of life, not just skilling. No harm can come from allowing people to contribute in different ways other than grinding out the same skills for a couple hours every week.

10-Dec-2015 18:29:51

Oct Member 2005


Posts: 17,692 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Scret said :
"I agree in that every piece of content does not need to be tied into every other piece of content, and that monster drops are over generous these days. However I have to lend my support to Matty and to some degree Acra. The citadels are not solely for skilling clans, so skilling should not be the only way for clans to contribute to them. It should certainly remain an option, but PVMers should be allowed to contribute in a way that allows them to enjoy the game and clan.
I take issue with an insta cap drop, but I would not be opposed to something like anagogic orts being used to help directly supplement a player's weekly contribution."

The citadel is a skilling feature not a PVM one, why should we make it a PVM feature?

If your clan doesnt want to do citadel work because they are PVMers then it shouldnt matter anyway.

Im not sure why we should force extra content onto it because people dont want to do it.

As Ryan said above, I would not class the citadel as a skilling feature, I'd like to have thought its a
clan feature
in general. I don't even have a tier 7 citadel, nor do I wish to get one, but that doesn't change the fact I have capped for 228 weeks straight to maintain my tier 5 citadel. (which we essentially have for 2 avatars)

So why should clan features be locked behind the poor citadel concept, what's wrong in having various methods of achieving the same goals. Citadels are also used to hold meetings for many clans too, not to mention the party room upstairs, heck even the clan theatre is locked till tier 5. How do these features belong only to skilling aspects, you even get an updated vex at tier 7, and for what? having more members willing to cap each week. To me that doesn't showcase the quality of a clan at all yet you get a better vex than a PvM clan that doesn't do citadel work for example.
Don Mattywarrior
Mafia City

10-Dec-2015 20:04:40 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2015 20:05:00 by Mattywarrior

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