24-Jan-2013 10:08:03
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Summoning: I'm willing to test this as I'm not 99 Summoning yet. However, I still back my point which is that if at my level, the Citadel gave me 20k experience per week, it would still take me 151 weeks to get 99 purely off of the Citadel. There would be nothing wrong with that balancing in the slightest. If it was 15k, it would take me 201 weeks. Note that I'm not suggesting that the Citadel should be a 1-99 method, I'm suggesting that you're seeing things from a different viewpoint to I.
I don't mean to sound condescending so I apologise in advance but that justification is not how game balance works. The XP rates of the skill plots in particular are balanced in a way comparable to rates that you can achieve on the "surface" world doing normal training and the XP rate at the Summoning plot is this real rate that I talked about. I don't want to go into the specifics of how that real rate is obtained, I wasn't the Balancer at the time, but it involves typical charm gather rates, time to create the pouches and then adjusted for cost of tertiaries. This method seemed to have worked on the other plots.
That, across all 99 skills, is what we consider to be the fairest way to balance the content and in theory should represent equal amount of reward for time spent. Of course because Summoning is such a slow skill due to charm gathering, a couple of thousand XP a week doesn't sound like a great deal. A common misconception is that players see their pouch creation time as their "XP/hr" for Summoning whereas it truly begins whenever they actively seek out charms.
Continued below...
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07-Jun-2013 17:32:05
- Last edited on
07-Jun-2013 17:33:07
Calm Enigma