
Summoning Avatars

Quick find code: 86-87-288-65546423



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Before you say "Oh boy another avatar thread" i'd just like to say I'm happy with the way the avatars are functioning currently, after the recent size update. But I think there is still one small convenience issue that can still be addressed.

Summoning the avatar is a bit of a pain...
My clan has 3 clan avatars that barely see the light of day because no one really wants to stop what they are doing, enter citadel world, tele to middle, and come back to the homeworld. Now at this point you might just assume we're being super lazy.

But I have two possible suggestions to make life easier.
1) Create a habitat outside the citadel at the clan camp in Fally where we can see and summon our avatars right there.

I'm sure i might be pushing the boundaries of what they can technically do here but just an idea.

2) Allow avatar wardens the ability to summon them instantly. Maybe through the follower interface if that is possible.

Again, sigh idk if this is possible.

But anyway i'd like to hear if anyone else has come up with anything, or if you think i'm just a slacker...
Twitter: @RS_Doodle[/darkred][/centre][/i]

01-Jan-2015 21:25:12

Feb Member 2009


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Perhaps you can make the responsibility of summoning the avatars a requirement of keeping the ranks of admin and above?

The avatars are tied to the citadel. If you read through Calm Enigma's stickied thread on these forums, you will see many suggestions for avatars and citadels in general. Basically that programming cannot be changed without massive overhauls, and that won't happen any time in the foreseeable future.

If they avatars aren't popular and the clan doesn't mind, let them reside in their pool.

I just know that there will be no change for a quite a while on those guys. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Shadesidhe - Deputy Owner of
Blue Phoenix

01-Jan-2015 21:59:56



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Wanted to suggest something like this, but decided to search for threads just in case someone had already suggested it, because given the presence of clan avatars, someone likely had and has created such a thread. Not sure if OP is still around.

Major support for this. I like the idea of an avatar habitat near the clan encampment. To add: I think clan avatars being familiar overrides would be even more powerful and meaningful.

My biggest gripe about summoning avatars: I LOSE CHAT from world hopping. As someone who really values communicating with people and developing relationships through conversation, this includes :
- Sensitive private messages, sometimes about personal matters that a friend/clannie is going through, or heck even interpersonal advice for two clannies who are struggling to come to terms with one another. (True story)
- Silly conversation in the clan chat
- Learning opportunities in the clan chat where someone else or myself is explaining something. A few of our recent recruits have been folks I've shown how to do things, or helped out with in-game, actually. And a former guest, now future clanmate once her cooldown is over, remarked how our clan shares a lot of information about happenings and content.

A few others reasons why a lot of our avatar wardens don't summon the avatar:
- Inaccessible--requires fetching the banner from the bank, world hopping, teleporting to the avatar habitat, and either "Joining" to the clan homeworld, or tele'ing to the entrance to return to their previous world.
- Unable to have a summoning familiar out while doing slayer, which some of our clannies are fond of.

An avatar habitat right by the clan encampment/clan banner would make literally A WORLD of difference. Literally an entire world. :P So I would support that, but the "biggest win" situation would be if avatars could become familiar overrides, similar to how the Chronicle pet still confers a 5% bonus when it's used as a familiar override.
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Very Vera | Join Nomad ! | Inform Yourselves | Forum Help

26-Mar-2016 21:24:06 - Last edited on 26-Mar-2016 21:39:37 by Vera

Mar Member 2010


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Mod Maz did respond once before on this matter. Could be found on the JMOD Feedback thread here is the quote:

Calm Enigma said :
Allow us to summon the avatar from outside the citadel:

20-Feb-2013 13:06:58

Original message details are unavailable.
Unfortunately it's not possible to initially summon the avatar outside of the citadel. This is due to citadel data only being able to be written whilst in the citadel, and the avatar needing to write to that data.

Mod Maz
Queen of the Squirrels

11-Jun-2013 07:58:48

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With the way the clan systems have been written in the engine, it's not possible to write to citadel data from more than one world at a time. This is, in part, to prevent race conditions whilst still allowing multiple players to write to the data at the same time.

Mod Maz
Queen of the Squirrels

[continued below]
Ceecs - leader of Ceecs Clan
Rank in Star Find, Harmed Ore, Beach FC | Ex-Rank in Fast SC

Ceecs Clan: DUTCH ONLY RS3 clan & Winner of the Iron Skilled Cup 2015!

27-Mar-2016 09:49:55

Mar Member 2010


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Calm Enigma said :

13-Jun-2013 08:26:33

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There's plenty of documentation on the internet about race conditions, it's a common thing in distributed computer programming. Think of airline booking, and airplane with only one seat left, and two travel agents, both booking that seat for a different customer, and how to handle that when they're all several thousand miles apart ;-) There are multiple ways of approaching a solution. The way that our citadel data system works is to only have the data accessible on one world at a time.

As for "where there's a will there's a way" it's more like, where there's time and resources there's a way. For me, as a content developer, I can only use the tools that I'm provided, I don't have the access (or knowledge) to write new ones - only engine devs can do that and they're just a leeeetle busy at the moment making the entire game work in HTML5 - as well as many other jobs!

I could of course make my life easy and just lie to you guys and say that yes I'll get it all fixed tomorrow, or simply just stop posting here but that's not what I'm here for and isn't productive. As you've seen from my previous posts on the forum and releases, I like to keep you guys informed as to what I can and can not do in an honest fashion - and where I have some time, implement quick fixes. This, I will continue to do - for as long as you guys & girls want me to (or until TPTB say otherwise). :)

Mod Maz
Queen of the Squirrels
Ceecs - leader of Ceecs Clan
Rank in Star Find, Harmed Ore, Beach FC | Ex-Rank in Fast SC

Ceecs Clan: DUTCH ONLY RS3 clan & Winner of the Iron Skilled Cup 2015!

27-Mar-2016 09:50:03

May Member 2023


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I don't know but for us, anyone who is fussed enough about getting the 6% bonus has no issue with going to the citadel to summon it.

I'm usually not fussed and hate the hopping etc so I don't :p

A good thing however is that they're working on making chat history persist between hopping/lobbying which solves a big part of the issue.

Regarding the Chronicle pet, Jagex made it this way so they ensure people have it displayed (purpose being advertising the game a lot) and it's only a temporary feature.

You cannot use your avatars as overrides, especially with their various functions and buffs, as they're meant to be a trade-off for the holder between them or a certain familiar that offers different functions and benefits.
PvMing FC

27-Mar-2016 11:40:58 - Last edited on 27-Mar-2016 11:42:53 by Electric

Aug Member 2010


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Having to go to the citadel to summon the avatar means that any fealty reward is lost if you don't do at least some work on gathering resources. Do you want the avatar without actually having to do any work for it at all ? in which case doesn't that defeat the entire point of the citadel in the first place ?

Hopping, grabbing avatar, and hopping back take only a couple of minutes at most. If you want the bonus xp, you take those few minutes to get it . It isn't an issue for anyone in my clan.
Proud leader of Shattered Moon

27-Mar-2016 14:42:46 - Last edited on 27-Mar-2016 16:40:24 by Kera



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Electric said :
You cannot use your avatars as overrides, especially with their various functions and buffs, as they're meant to be a trade-off for the holder between them or a certain familiar that offers different functions and benefits.
, good point, with how having both a 6% bonus and a summoning familiar out is unfair. Though--because I want my clanmates to be less inconvenienced summoning an ava so that others will have the 3% bonus--maybe if you use the avatar as an override, that warden will get only a 3% as opposed to 6% bonus?

It's complicated, and being able to have an avatar out for the clan while using a summoning familiar isn't a major concern, but would be a neat (though currently not "priority" perk.

Losing chat however, is my biggest concern, since such an important identity of my clan is our conversations and how we share information about in-game happenings, for example the Chronicle 5% bonus and how that stacks with the 3% ava bonus. I'm glad they're looking into that, retaining chat in between hopping to and from the citadel.

, I'm not sure what you mean. Are you saying being able to summon the avatar without instancing would allow people to take advantage of fealty rewards for forever, from just one week of capping?

For background where I'm coming from, my clan has folks who might skill at the citadel but never even look at the avatar, and sometimes not even bother to pay their orts for the week. My motivation for making ava summoning easier is for the 3% bonus for everyone, not the 6% one for the individual summoner--those who care about that already summon the ava.

As such, the "inconvenience" isn't a concern for those who are actually interested in the 6% bonus, but for the sake of those who would benefit from the 3% bonus, since we don't have enough people summoning the avatars. The majority of our clan isn't too concerned about max xp gainz. -c-
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Very Vera | Join Nomad ! | Inform Yourselves | Forum Help

27-Mar-2016 19:37:12



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Why am I so concerned about those who would benefit from the 3% bonus? Avatars are such a vital aspect of the clan lifestyle. It's honestly pretty cool how avatars are such a commonality, and I want my clanmates to be able to be part of such a perk.

Yesterday actually, we had a member who had been in the clan for at least a month who had no idea what anagogic orts were. We call our avatars, but since a lot of people don't care for the 3% nor 6% bonus, we don't have as much conversation about the avatar, or subsequent potential reasons for people to ask questions and to learn about the ort system.

Avatars are honestly such a cool aspect of the clan lifestyle, and being able to talk about them brings us closer together when enough people care about them. I'm speaking for my clan only, and my concerns are primarily for my clan as opposed to how other clans are. Making avatar summoning more convenient would make the 3% world bonus prevalent enough for clannies to care about and pay attention to the 3% bonus, and as such allow them to connect better with other clanfolk, both intra- and inter-clan.
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Very Vera | Join Nomad ! | Inform Yourselves | Forum Help

27-Mar-2016 19:40:11 - Last edited on 27-Mar-2016 19:45:16 by Vera

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