Will visit count still be required and the same?
23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.
Will visit count still be required and the same?
Yes, according to what's been discussed on the CLD, the requirement for visitor count will not change with this update.
Cool! thank you!
23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.
Not at this time. While the number of visitors required to maintain a citadel from week to week remains at 5 across all tiers, clans are meant to be social, and it defeats the purpose for an unsocial clan to be able to obtain a high tier citadel with just a few members.