Clan Plan 2015
Review of 2014
Our plans for Clans in 2014 were ambitious - the Clan Permissions Rewrite became a huge task with technical and resource requirements that we were just not able to reach. The Community Development Team, DevCom1, deals with a range of community based game functions, including Clans, and as such we have carefully reviewed our list for what we believe we can and cannot do in 2015 within our technical and resource limitations.
Plans for 2015
Runelabs and any development work that is generated for Clans by votes on RuneLabs is not included in these plans, for what are hopefully obvious reasons.
Keen to improve the information available to New Players about Clans and remove as many barriers to entry as possible, including the probation period we have already removed, we'll be reviewing this carefully. Included in this work are measures both in and out of game, such as the forum based Clan Directory.
Jagex will be running a massive Clan Cup later this year, which plans to expand on 2014's further and therefore will be improving support for that, including auto-registration and clans provision in Clan Wars. We will also be discussing the competition extensively with the CLF - formats, competition types and prizes.
We'll also be looking at providing more competitions and support for existing player competitions , such as Warring Ladders, firstly with a forum specific for Clan Warring and then with competitions, highlights of which could be shown on RSTV.
The Clan Cloak will become a Cosmetic Override and we want to review the facilities for Clan Events - hopefully DevCom1's plans for Community Ambassadors can bear fruit in time for Clans as well.
Clan Mute has long been on our list and is something we are actively working on - we'll be rooting through the rest of Clan Permissions Rewrite to find individual features that we can develop independently.
There is also a discussion about Clan leavers and we'll be putting in places some reporting mechanics around why people leave clans to allow us to look to improve on those issues this highlights.
We'll continue to review this throughout the year and where we have appropriate decisions or choices to be made will bring them to the attention of the CLF for discussion and potentially polls, such as we have done with the Citadel upkeep.

Community Development
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20-Jan-2015 10:34:06 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2015 14:49:43 by Mod Matthe