
Clan Plan 2015 Thread is locked

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Mod Matthe

Mod Matthe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
"There is also a discussion about Clan leavers and we'll be putting in places some reporting mechanics around why people leave clans to allow us to look to improve on those issues this highlights."

I know you said to Calm Enigma that data will be sent to Jagex, but I think finding out reasons why members leave clans would be great feedback for owners to improve their clan (depending on the reasons of course).

I would ask that data sent to Jagex also be sent to at least the Clan Owner (if they choose) for this reason :)

Hi Agita Sage ,

No. Data provided in that way would have to remain Jagex only data due to data privacy and management issues. If the data was provided to Clan leaders it is unlikely to engender many honest or accurate answers.

Mod MattHe
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23-Jan-2015 11:15:01

Mar Member 2018


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Tyki Mikk said :
Scret said :
Tyki Mikk said :
I'm slightly confused about the clan mute. Is this a way just to mute clan mates in the cc? If so, I'm having trouble understanding why most people wouldn't just a kick a clan mate who was causing problems or pm that person and have a private discussion. Doesn't hurt to have the option I guess for those that want it, I'm just puzzled.

1. People can get their account hijacked
2. give people warnings
3. adds flexibility in the way clans handle situations
4. to stop arguments dead without hindering others.

This question puzzles me

Your sarcasm and rudeness in your last comment puzzles me Scret (especially since without it you brought up some good points), but I guess it is indicative of how your treat fellow clan leaders. I simply wished to know in what situations a mute would be preferable to a kick. I am used to treating my clanmates as mature, responsible individuals, so if they are having a bad day/causing trouble in cc I can simply message them privately and in extremely rare occasions kick if they can't/refuse to control themselves.

I never said the policy shouldn't be implemented, I was simply asking my fellow clan leaders how they plan to implement it. (Thank you Ryanc360 for your polite response. :) ) I don't want to take up room on this thread any more than we have on this question since it has been answered, so I won't be making any more replies on this particular topic. ^_^

I wasnt being sarcastic. I was genuinely puzzled by it.
. .•*(¸.•*´(¸.•*´+`*•.¸)`*•.¸)*•.

23-Jan-2015 13:01:00 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2015 13:01:51 by Scret

Jun Member 2014


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Sounds good - really looking forward to the changes & improvements!

Specifically looking forward to Clan Mute features, and reviewed facilities for events. Naturally I do welcome the cloak becoming an override, will make life a little easier for my clan in particular when it comes to recruiting.

Reporting Mechanics does sound like an interesting feature for yourselves, and I can see how it would be beneficial. Whilst I would like it to be available to us, I fully understand why it can't be.

23-Jan-2015 15:29:28 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2015 15:32:32 by Trewavas

Jul Member 2010


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Joeyman said :
I like the direction you guys are taking for 2015 but I have one concern (and possible misunderstanding) for the clan cloak update. When this update goes live will we be able to use clan cloaks as an override in clan wars (purple portal in gamers grotto, rated clan wars, and the wilderness). I realize that this addition could be very difficult with the way the code is currently designed. Allowing overrides of capes to be used in areas where overrides are disabled would cause other mini-games, which are reliant on team cape colors, to get messed up. Though possibly you guys have a solution for that already?

Yes I would like to know this also. I am assuming that the clan cape override would have to also be disallowed where other overrides are also disallowed and that it would be just for normal game situations but imagine how useful it could be if allowed, could have clan-based warbands and rated clan wars or other minigames where a show of clan membership would be useful.
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24-Jan-2015 00:02:11

Jul Member 2010


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Mod Matthe, answering about why people leave clans info gathering:

"No. Data provided in that way would have to remain Jagex only data due to data privacy and management issues. If the data was provided to Clan leaders it is unlikely to engender many honest or accurate answers."

Sorry couldn't work out the code to just quote the above para...

I think that this is a good idea but seems a bit all or none to me. I believe that saying it will not engender honest or accurate answers if it is provided to clan leaders is a gross generalisation. One could equally say that people may not be honest and/or accurate in answering Jagex?? If a clan has consistent reasons being something like "the clan leader tried to sell me rank", does Jagex then do anything about it?

This feature, regardless of how implemented, is not something I would need or want, just in my own case, as I usually (90%) of the time, know why people leave, and yes I do believe they give me honest and accurate answers. So, just wondering, what is the real intention of it - will it feed back into further enhancements of the clan system?
~•••~ | Leader of
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24-Jan-2015 00:12:20 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2015 20:48:51 by Noetica

L M Jane
Sep Member 2009

L M Jane

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Our clan doesn't participate in any of the events mentioned such as clan cup nor do they seem to have the desire to at this time so that really doesn't excite me. About the only thing I see that's useful is being able to mute in the CC when something arises, tho we rarely have something happen like that.

Would this mute system also allow us to remove the mute from someone in the CC when we feel it's time for it to be removed or would it have a set amount of time that it would go? If there is a minimum amount of time will we have the option to reduce it or extend it?

Is there a possibility that the recall for the clan ava's will be in this too? That is of a big concern to my clan who is a skiller clan mostly but does PVM activities too.

24-Jan-2015 09:06:06 - Last edited on 24-Jan-2015 09:17:15 by L M Jane

Mar Member 2010


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Nice plan! Hopefully we can get all of it this year.

Ceecs - Leader of Ceecs Clan
­armadyl ­­­­­­
Ceecs - leader of Ceecs Clan
Rank in Star Find, Harmed Ore, Beach FC | Ex-Rank in Fast SC

Ceecs Clan: DUTCH ONLY RS3 clan & Winner of the Iron Skilled Cup 2015!

24-Jan-2015 11:04:27

Rough Draft

Rough Draft

Posts: 356 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This kind of data could be incredibility important to clan leadership. Would it be possible that once said data was sent to jagex that clan leadership be given a summed up version of it once every 3 - 6 months? I know this sounds hard and to be honest I doubt the answer to this would be yes but I don't see how this information is really going to help Jagex much whereas it would be very helpful to us.

My clan tried a system a little over a  year ago when someone left their name was put on a list and we tried to contact them about why they left so that we could use that information to better improve the clan. The information we got was helpful but the problem was contacting all those players (many with private turned to friends /off) was very hard and tedious and so we stopped doing it.

25-Jan-2015 00:16:23

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