The clan member list page is only potentially useful for getting membership status, is that what you're trying to find out?
It'd be much better to use apps script to extract that data than spreadsheet functions. I'll have a look anyway.
Edit: I've made a custom function in apps script that returns a table of the data based on the results of importing the clan member list.
Original message details are unavailable.
function getMembership(obj){
return [["Name","Rank","Member","Total XP","Kills","Online"]].concat({return a.join(""
.slice(1).map(function(row){var col=function(cls){return row.match(RegExp('"'+cls+'">([^<]*)'))},name=col("name"
;return [name[1],rank[1],member?"Member":"",parseInt(totalxp[1].replace(",",""
the Blue
// @BlastytheBlue // Blasty#5167
| Co-owner of
Mine Nation
04-Dec-2014 07:48:08
- Last edited on
04-Dec-2014 10:56:52