How did you pick your key ranks?
We used to choose them based on what they
contributed to the Clan, but after one specific incident where the Key stopped contributing to the Clan altogether and sat back doing nothing but reaping all the rewards whilst everyone else contributed, we had the change the system so all Keys
pulling their own weight within the community, pretty much on a weekly basis.
We have a system called Roles, in which all Keys manage and delegate tasks in their specific Role and through time and doing their Role, Admin members may go from Admin to Key Rank.
How long had they been in the clan?
Again from bad experiences from members Ranking up too quick, we've had to adapt and ensure the Admin members are long term, loyal and trustworthy.
Our current Rank system dictates roughly 45 weeks from Recruit to Overseer.
Most of our Keys have been in the community for 2-3 years.
Was there any animosity over them being picked over others?
No. Our Rank system is fair and rewards those who contribute. If members do not wish to contribute, they won't Rank higher than General, leaving the Perks to those who wish to help run the community.
Can you run a clan on 2 keys?
Short answer, Yes. But to make it successful and sustainable, you will really have to put a lot of time and effort in. A solo venture I can see being a lot of blood, sweat and tears.
The more bodies and minds in with you running the Clan really, really helps.
Do I actually need other key ranks?
That's really up to you and your Rank system. A high Rank in our community symbolises someone who's contributed a lot to the community. I really respect all of my Keys as they do a wonderful job and I couldn't handle running the community by myself.