I love your posts honestly even though it made no sense to this thread, just so good
Well, thank you. The point I was driving at while tired and running out of text space was that with less players, there's more pressure on the few remaining players that do it. Morale is dropping for Citadel use systematically due to OSRS existing. Some people have moved onto playing that (sadly) and that leaves less players on RS3, in turn, making Citadels perpetually 'unbalanced' in the ratio of playerbase to Citadel usage.
The game issue is OSRS, really. JAGeX felt as a business they were compelled to cave to complainers (mostly gold farmers, bots, pkers, other 'thrill seeker'-types) to profit. Not only did that DESTROY development on the ACTUAL game, but split the community in two - created a divided/conquered company and game, and ruined a bright future.
What destroyed the actual game was EOC and the lack of an alternative for players who didn't like the buttonsmashing. People start complaining when nothing is being done with their feedback and they get the feeling no matter what they say it won't change a damn thing. I had another clanmember leave today because he's sick and tired of how unbalanced Legacy is and how nothing is being done to make it any better. OSRS was a mistake in the way it shouldn't have been necessary to recreate an old server for those who like the game the way it was. It's really easy to label a group as "complainers" and trying to shove them away as all they do is complain. You could also wonder what on earth went wrong when a huge part of the playerbase suddenly starts complaining.
You can call the players instant-gratificationseekers but we both know that's not true. Most of those players played the game for thousands of hours. If they wanted to feel good instantly they would've bought some beers. Instead they played RuneScape for many hours to find all their effort being wasted by a new combat system that doesn't work in some parts of the game.
There are many things wrong and Jagex' plans are far from perfect. Everything seems to be short-term and the lack of long-term vision is rather depressing. All the problems are systematic like you said. You can't really tell people they have to earn their XP when it's being given away so easily.
You are absolutely right that OSRS is bad for RS3 Clans. But there is no way back now.
A redesign with no negative effects.. And once you achieve one a lvl in a given tier you can't get penalized for not keeping up with maintenance.
Absolutely no support.
if citadel was as big a job as elf city then it should never of past the design stage.
My clan managed to get maxed the hard way . but as i say in all these post nuke it and start again.
The answer i get is to much development time needed.
At some point in time if im not busy doing other things i might rewrite my clan community area but it will never be added because jagex works by walking 1 step forward 2 steps backwards.