I'm sorry, Thylordship. I just don't see it as a good thing. Obviously this will make more people say to themselves, "Oh hey! It's so easy to start a clan! (now, even). I can totally start a clan woot!". But in my experience, these are people who don't even bother trying to step up when its practically handed to them in their current clans. What ends up happening to their clans is the leader just gives up and it fails 1 month later. It's like clockwork to me. And the sad thing is they don't see it coming or just don't care.
I will give you the figures I have been informed of from clanmates. My clan has always encouraged members to step up and lead and be significant in the clan and help in any way they choose - become part of our history etc.. Many deputies have gone inactive. Few ever wish to be more than Admin and usually they just want the avatar. At least 40 clans have been created directly from breaking off of my clan over the years. That's a lot right? Only 5 of those clans lasted more than a month, and less still exist today (one of whom has access to CLF so hello to them and grats for making it this far). And this is because it is too easy to start a clan as it currently stands. So why make it even easier? If there was such thing as an 'clan economy', then making it too easy to start a clan would be bad for it.
Thylordship, your clan is like one of those 5 in a way, that's great. My point is that people will choose starting a new clan for things like avatar, instead of earning admin or leadership spots within an established clan like yours or mine, where it is already welcome and/or needed. If I were to be blunt I would call it false hope for the upcoming clan founders. The present clan creation system at least puts them to the test, ever so slightly.
This is of course just my opinion and I do not expect everyone to agree with it.
02-Jun-2015 03:13:24
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02-Jun-2015 04:18:41