RSN: nietzches
Combat level: 138
What clan are you in: True Respect
Previous clans: N/A
Have you been in any other minigames friends chats: DGRevolution.
Have you ever played Castle Wars: No.
Are you aiming for the Trimmed Completionist Cape requirement: over time, yes.
If not, what are you aiming for: Ardy Tasks.
Why pick us: Active thread.
Time zone: GMT.
Do you accept all of the rules and the consequences if you are to break any: Yes.
Describe one of the rules and explain why it is important: Respect everyone; we are here to enjoy ourselves.
Will you bump our thread: I can if required.
Will you be using our Discord: I don't use discord.
Name one of the staff members: contempt.
Describe something under 'Important Must Read': definitions of things like time in game.
Describe something about our Warning System: you give warnings for people who break your tules.
Do you accept you may removed from the FC if you become inactive: fully.
Sign your RSN if you agree: nietzches.