RSN? xSammers.
Combat level? 138.
What clan are you in? Genuine.
Previous clans? The Fallen.
Have you been in any other minigames friends chats? If so, what are their names? No.
Have you ever played Castle Wars? Yes.
Are you aiming for the Trimmed Completionist Cape requirement? Yes.
If not, what are you aiming for?
Why pick us? (If someone referred you, name the user!) Forums.
Time zone? Eastern.
Do you accept all of the rules and the consequences if you are to break any? Yes.
Describe one of the rules and explain why it is important. Don't attack follow afk fc members and stand far enough away from them if you do want to PVP. Not everyone wants to be involved with the PVP of the minigame.
Will you bump our thread? I can try. Can't promise anything.
Will you be using our Discord? Sure.
Name one of the staff members. Contempt
Describe something under 'Important Must Read'. Sac is for players who will be on the losing team.
Describe something about our Warning System. Warnings expire 2 weeks after being given.
Do you accept you may removed from the FC if you become inactive. Yes.
Sign your RSN if you agree: xSammers.
RSN? Council_Tax
Combat level?138
What clan are you in? Dulce Domum
Previous clans? N/A
Have you been in any other minigames friends chats? no
Have you ever played Castle Wars? Yes
Are you aiming for the Trimmed Completionist Cape requirement? yes
Why pick us? (If someone referred you, Gatosado)
Time zone? UK GMT
Do you accept all of the rules and the consequences if you are to break any? Yes
Describe one of the rules and explain why it is important.
AFK games with no combat for fast tickets
Will you bump our thread? no, these forums are dead
Will you be using our Discord? I can do
Name one of the staff members: Slis
Describe something under 'Important Must Read' . Sac are the playing who are in losing team
Describe something about our Warning System. - 3rd Warning - 24 hours of removal from games
Do you accept you may removed from the FC if you become inactive. Yes
Sign your RSN if you agree: Council_tax
RSN? Rubiks Cubes
Combat level? 138
What clan are you in? Maxed
Previous clans? Mesmerizing, The Tavern
Have you been in any other minigames friends chats? If so, what are their names? GoldTrimmers (helped start it)
Have you ever played Castle Wars? Yes
Are you aiming for the Trimmed Completionist Cape requirement? Yes
If not, what are you aiming for?
Why pick us? (If someone referred you, name the user!) Found on forums, was pretty sure something like goldtrimmers still exist
Time zone? GMT -8
Do you accept all of the rules and the consequences if you are to break any? Yes
Describe one of the rules and explain why it is important. 2gw and not hardcore afk because it causes huge imbalance to teams and ruins the whole cycle. (I ran games before)
Will you bump our thread? Yes
Will you be using our Discord? Sure if needed
Name one of the staff members. Contempt
Describe something under 'Important Must Read'. 2gw - 2 game warning, give this at least 5 mins before the game ends and help lose on other team before leaving.
Describe something about our Warning System. Not letting fc know when joining and leaving games.
Do you accept you may removed from the FC if you become inactive. Yes
Sign your RSN if you agree: Rubiks Cubes
Combat level?
What clan are you in?
Previous clans?
Surreal, Spirits of Arianwyn
Have you been in any other minigames friends chats?
Yes, Fast Sc
Have you ever played Castle Wars?
172 times according to log
Are you aiming for the Trimmed Completionist Cape requirement?
If not, what are you aiming for?
Why pick us? (If someone referred you, name the user!)
Your forum is very inviting.
Time zone?
Eastern (ET)
Do you accept all of the rules and the consequences if you are to break any?
Describe one of the rules and explain why it is important.
Do not attack AFK players, they were accepted into the FC and may not wish to partake in combat for whatever reasons.
Will you bump our thread?
Will you be using our Discord?
I rarely use Discord, but I do have it.
Name one of the staff members.
Describe something under 'Important Must Read'.
Sac means players who will be on the losing team.
Describe something about our Warning System.
You only get 3 warnings, then you are banned from the FC.
Do you accept you may removed from the FC if you become inactive.
Yes, completely
Sign your RSN if you agree:
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it.