Yusou Bhoroi
Hallo, I hope things have been going well with you, lately.
Not been on for a more than a Month.. and the D.E. acc appears to have been name-cleared. As such I'll probably be creating a new FC for Gop, if I can be sure to be on for a decent amount of time in the future.
I already have an acc named 'Gop Help', so I'll probably use that one, and will create a thread for it if things turn out well (so shall give you the QFC, in that event).
As things stand, it looks like Minigames are not in a good position, so it'll partly depend upon how things pan out for them. I had planned to be more proactive in keeping them running, but real life has been very demanding, lately (barely getting enough time for sleeping, let alone RS), so unfortunately I've probably missed the boat for this.. if there is anything you're aware of that's being done to help them atm, then if you could let me know, I would be very grateful, so I can help support it.
Thanks, and best wishes, as ever.
Thanks for the post, and welcome back!
D E isn't the only FC that's been name-wiped..

I think
Gop Help
would be a better name for the FC anyway, as it actually related to Gop.
As for an update on Minigames, nothing has been mentioned so far. The only things upcoming is a minigame called 'Penguins in Space' which was shown briefly on the stream over the weekend - it's a variant of Barbarian Assault.
The only big thing mentioned is a complete rework of all D&Ds after Menaphos is released in June. I really do hope that the Ninja team consults those in the Minigames/D&Ds community to take in their input, but we'll have to see.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.