Combat level:138
PKing experience: I use to be apart of a PKing based warbands FC (Synergy) however I found it to my disliking for I rarely ever got full loot and don't enjoy the PKing method. So I do have some PKing experience however it is limited.
Reason for wanting to join us: Your all about the loot and don't want to pk. Rare thing and I like the idea of just looting and getting the exp warbands provides.
Can you afford the required gear?
How long have you been around warbands for and what fcs have you been a
part of?
I was apart of synergy for about a month a year ago.
Which combat style do you wish to use?
Your own comments (optional): I would adore to join you war bands fc. Sounds like everything I want. And even though I may not be the most educated individual with warbands I am very eager to learn. (I also currently only have 1 app with war banter but I will drop that quickly if I am accepted into you fc)
Signature: L8ergtgkill
"He who serves his fellows is above all his fellows greatest"
"Remember the Promise made a sha-she-be"
17-Feb-2017 03:03:27