Thanks for trying to have an open mind but I totally disagree with establishing rules for new leaders to follow and disagree even more about letting non current clan members vote.
I agree with Oldgma that the only people that vote should be members of the clan effective a given date. May or may not include those that just got upset and quit. It definitely should NOT be people that are currently disconnected or just in fc but not in clan or members dating back to who knows what date! Past people make great advisers that but not decision makers!
For example, if I was to run, how could someone that was a member before I was know if I would be a good or a bad decision?
In our last rank meeting, I was one that voted in favor of bringing back an old silver star (whom I had never even seen in fc or heard of in a year and a half) based on thinking additional avatar wardens and leaders was a good thing. In hind sight, I regret my vote since I think we should have had them come back as 2 or 3 banana and prove they are liked/trusted as a leader. I have no single negative thought toward that person as I have never even said hi to or been acknowledged by them. It is the process that I object to, not the individual.
I totally disagree with just voting. Shouldn't those that want to run (if anyone) have a vision statement and a campaign. Otherwise, we are just voting a popularity contest!
For example, Magicalsilo offered a very unique option. If he wanted to come forward with that as his campaign, he should be given every right to in a true and open election. If we don't like his idea, we don't vote for him or his idea. Let the votes decide based on his objectives standing on their own merit!
If someone came up with an idea to have rotating schedules, term limits, president elects to assure new trained leaders in the future, or what ever, let them please bring them forward without commentary so we can get new creative thoughts.
24-Jul-2013 03:10:21