
EyeOnTheSky: A Star Community

Quick find code: 75-76-844-64164201

Sylvanna Ree
Aug Member 2009

Sylvanna Ree

Posts: 466 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
An Announcement:

Many of you have been hearing lots of different things that have gone on the past few days and I just wanted to clear everything up.

Firstly, I want to apologize for myself. I know I have not been active lately and that has been for several reasons. 1. I have been job hunting so I can support myself. 2. I have been having crippling depression before my aunt passed away, and her passing did not help. 3. I have met someone and wish to get more out of life with. But that's why I have been inactive. I came back to action with some very unhappy clan members, and as usual, I have a blind spot. I often see the clan as systematic and resort to technical aspects. I am not the only one that does this, but it is a weakness. I jump to the conclusion that the system is broken without understanding that it possibly could be people that are broken. Fixing people is harder.

Believe it or not, despite a fixed attitude many times, I am often open to change. I am open to radical change. All that needs to be done is to be direct, honest, and open with me about the core idea of an issue. Even if the core idea is an emotion. If I start babbling about fixing a pipe, I probably need to be slapped back to reality a bit. I like problem solving. I remove, as is my training, the people from the problem. If you say to me "I'm Angry." "I feel betrayed." "I hate this rule/process!" My brain switches to emotion/people mode. I do have an HR mode but it is in development. I will listen to you, and I'll see what I can do to make you feel better.

PM me. If My friends list is full but I can make room for you. Tell a rank you are more comfortable with. They know they can come to me at any time. I have always had an open door policy for anyone, even if you've only been in the clan for 1 minute.

I'm sorry the rules have been rigidly applied. When the clan was started everyone agreed on a family friendly atmosphere, and all these rules are to enforce that. [Cont'*]

22-Jul-2013 14:28:16

Sylvanna Ree
Aug Member 2009

Sylvanna Ree

Posts: 466 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The star processes were meant to keep out troublemakers and to promote our clan to hardworking people. We've been really successful at that, but as the clan changes the rules need to change. As we have become more community oriented our rules should be more community oriented. As we are more open we should become more open.

A technical right is not a true right, and I am sorry. From the past few meetings, I have noticed that there is a call for me personally, to do many of the things I used to do, but stopped due to previous feedback. Now is the time for change. At one point, it was fine for me to be somewhat hands off. However, the time has come to be more active and more welcoming.

I do not want to discourage anyone from participating in whatever activity they feel they want to share with us. We should teach and not scold, we should guide and lead, and not force or prod. We should all remember that rs is a game and it should be played and not lived.

We are a whole community no matter what time of day, no matter who ranks are, no one person, not even me, has claim to a group of people. As a community, we are a community, and all disagreements must be open, honest, and civil, and conflicts should be solved in small groups or one-on-one to discuss it. And as I have to remember, trying to fix things without understanding the situation is not a solution, it is a part of the problem. That is my fault, and I apologize, sincerely.

However, I am human. I can not and will not be on Runescape 24 hours a day. I reserve the right to sleep as much as I want. I reserve the right for physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional nourishment at any time I so desire.

But I am sorry. I would like to get to know everyone, but that too is a hard task that I tried hard to accomplish and failed. I am sorry if you feel neglected or have an issue and no one is online. I am sorry if people have been rude in my absence. I'm sorry I haven't been as watchful.

22-Jul-2013 14:38:42 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2013 14:40:29 by Sylvanna Ree

Sylvanna Ree
Aug Member 2009

Sylvanna Ree

Posts: 466 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The clan is home to a wide variety of people.

Some people have chosen to leave the "Clan Chat" so they may play the game with even more people. They have two homes. And it is hard to leave any home.

The tradition has been, that members who wish to join another clan retain their fc rank if they keep another account under our clan roster. Everyone pretty much does this at the moment.

Is that something that needs to be changed? That is something I want the community to consider as a whole. Are these people disloyal? In my opinion no; they just want to expand their social circle, their playing activities, and no one should be faulted for that. Just like no one should be faulted for catching up with real life once in awhile.

Authority is a collective agreement.

Fc ranks have been the "real ranks" for a long time. Is it time for that to change? I don't know it is a possibility. Should Clan Chat ranks match FC ranks? That's something to consider.

Everyone tries so hard to reach their first rank. :) It doesn't make any sense to have to make everyone have their first rank be so easy. Or maybe that opinion is outdated.

In conclusion:

I am sorry for my part in all this mess. I am sorry that I haven't been as sensitive as I should be required to be. I am sorry I let administration get in the way of caring for you.

I am sorry for being away so much lately.

If we need change, let it start with me.

22-Jul-2013 14:53:58



Posts: 211 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks Ree, but this is something all the leaders and members of our clan need to work and strive for. If we are "leaders", we need to lead by example. If we aren't willing to lead, we need to step aside. No one should be "entitled" to be a leader just due to the past if they don't keep up with the present. For example, I used to be ranked in an evil tree hunting clan, but since I have both 99 wc and 99 fm, I have no interest in doing more evil trees so I have stepped away to allow others that are still passionate about helping those objectives do so.

We need to try to help our clan by taking out our avatars, doing our share at Citadel, and leading fun (what ever that means to you) events. We are no longer just a star clan, so think about what type of activities you like (i.e. Bossing, sinkholes, quests, clan battlefield, citadel management, new clan member tour guide, etc.) and try to bring that aspect of your game to help our clan.

I think with RS3, the timing is ripe for revised vision. I appreciate all that we have done and become collectively. But as a clan, we need to have common goals / objectives. For example:
- do we want to be a certain size clan?
- what percentage of our clan should hold what ranks to manage?
- how long (playing time) should it take to reach various ranks?
- as ideas change and clan grows/changes - do we revise management too?
- If so, how?
- how do we make sure we have Avatar wardens available in all time zones?
- how do we delegate so one or two people don't get overwhelmed?
- how do we keep it fun without creating more rules?

I think the main premise of our clan should be helping each other have fun and encouraging a pleasant atmosphere. We all deal with too much crap at work and/or at home so let's leave excess baggage there. Leave your sarcasm as well. Bring your positive and creative energy and let's have some fun!

22-Jul-2013 17:36:26 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2013 17:45:54 by 1slum1lord2

Sep Member 2010


Posts: 592 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks for the posts Ree. It is not necessary to apologise for being absent from the game, life is not a game and is there to be lived.

I believe that if someone leaves our clan, they should lose all fc rank, as they have left the clan and obviously have chosen not to be a part of it, for whatever reason. Should they choose to rejoin the clan at a later time, then they should have to earn their ranks again, because they have been out of the clan and have probably have not kept up with our clan rules, which should be changing as our clan changes and moves forward to the future. People who live in the past and who try to enforce old, outdated rules are holding us back from a diverse, happy and friendly clan.

Fc rank should remain the most important rank. I know that I strive to help the clan and was stoked to receive my first banana (even though I wish it was an apple, I hate bananas). I hope to gain more bananas in the future, however, I am here for the people. I like helping new members and I enjoy the friendships that I have made with fellow clan members.

I have to agree with 1slum1Lord2 - we need to have at least 2 ranks on throughout all time zones who can take out the avas. They need to be people, who we know WILL take out the avas. Many clan members appreciate the extra xp given by avas when they are out. At the minute many ranks who have the ability to take out the ava are not doing so. I realise that avas can not go to all places and that people do need to do their own choice in game as well as living their daily lives but they have been given the "privilege" of being able to take out the avas they should be willing to use it to benefit the entire clan.

How long we take to get a rank should not be the question, but rather what actions we do should determine if ranks are given or taken.

It might be an idea to have a delegated leader in each time zone who can resolve issues which arise and keep the clan a friendly, happy place for all.

22-Jul-2013 23:32:51

Sep Member 2010


Posts: 592 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The clan was started as a star clan and I would hate to see that history erased. There are some of us who enjoy the star hunt and do this regularly.

We have spread into bossing, warbands, even the odd evil tree.

A fc ranked leader for each of these activities would be beneficial. Not someone who pulls rank but someone who assists and encourages and guides others in this area.

22-Jul-2013 23:36:44

Sylvanna Ree
Aug Member 2009

Sylvanna Ree

Posts: 466 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nevermind. I'm not resigning.

There is no healing. There is no middle ground that can be reached.

I am a strong person and a survivor, and I only offered my head on a platter to try to heal.

All the damage is done, But I'm not seeing something I worked so hard for be changed beyond recognition. I am here to have fun. Not to worry.

Ree is here, Ree will stay. And if that's a problem, you know what to do.

23-Jul-2013 20:30:19 - Last edited on 24-Jul-2013 05:03:40 by Sylvanna Ree

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