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Something you should add, curse spells. that little bit can be enough to give you the win. Use escape or an intercept stun to stop a snipe. Likewise, you can use escape to force walk them with a bleed, but if you're hit with a bleed you'll take the increased damage.
Interesting, never seen anyone use debuff spells in PvP, ever. I can't recall people using them, not even once.
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Oh, and something else to add. Super Guthix rest after their buff can heal nearly as much as a brew per dose, without the stat drain, and can even overheal you. The issue is they will put adrenaline pot onto cooldown, so you wouldn't want to use them if adrenalin potion isn't on cooldown, as they'll restore less adrenaline.
Never seen people use these as well, best to just stick to using adrenaline potions & saradomin brews, but thanks for letting me know about them.
Thank you everyone again for providing feedback, and helping me with the guide.
EoC PvP Guide
Some people like to write an inspirational quote or something in here, I guess this is mine:
"Farts are the ghosts of our food"
- a random meme. I'm so classy now...
30-Sep-2016 10:57:09
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30-Sep-2016 10:58:31
Perfected Guide i was just about to make a pvp guide on MY YT channel but i think you've pretty much summed up everything besides the important items that one may use such as (numbing roots/weapon poison / phoenix necklaces / zealots / gorajians / summer pies{fastest tick eating food} enhanced excalibur / shield switch) etc just items like that that may be useful when learning how to pk.
Advanced defense section:
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Numbing Roots
These roots clear DOT effects when consumed, use them when possible, they have a cooldown of 45 seconds.
That's the only consumable I consider worth mentioning.
I was wondering if I should add information about phoenix necklaces, added now.
Already stated above my opinion on shields.
Thanks for the feedback.
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Perfected Guide i was just about to make a pvp guide on MY YT
Make it anyway, wouldn't hurt, feel free to use this one as a reference.
Tell me if you need help with demonstrations.
EoC PvP Guide
Some people like to write an inspirational quote or something in here, I guess this is mine:
"Farts are the ghosts of our food"
- a random meme. I'm so classy now...
03-Oct-2016 15:13:49
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03-Oct-2016 15:18:58
Try stacking something with overpower.
Tell me if you can get it to work at the same tick.
Probably not worth sacrificing 100% adrenaline and an adrenaline potion now that hurricane is buffed. Just stack hurricane with assault and you will easily rack up over 5k damage in a single tick.
EoC PvP Guide
Some people like to write an inspirational quote or something in here, I guess this is mine:
"Farts are the ghosts of our food"
- a random meme. I'm so classy now...