Rank Request
1) I'm interested in becoming a rank as i always help out around the fc and give the best advice i can, along with being in the fc for Multiple hours every day. Furthermore I tend to kindly remind people of the rules, and help those who ask questions.
2) As mentioned above, i use this FC a lot, (all the time when i am on). I have found the fc to be exceptionally helpful, i have managed to get my daily assists for the majority of days i am in the fc. I find the rules acceptable and i find if anyone breaks the rules ranks are firm on the rule but say so in a pollute way
3)UK time zone (GMT)
4)I think all the ambitions and rules are to a good standard and allow for an enjoyable experience when in the fc. The new approach, i think the new approach is the way that whilst being in the friends chat no-one has an advantage over anyone else, no matter what, even if ur ranked you still have to play by the rules. Allowing everyone an equal chance to assist or be assisted.
5) We offer assists for anything, as long as the reason is stated. So smithing dung weeps, or fixing polypore/Ganodermic and any assist able skill that we can possible help with.
Thanks for reading.
24-Dec-2014 17:06:03