1. Why you are interested in becoming a rank and what your goals are for our fc.
I am asking for a rank because I am from the clan Fast effigy and I love everything Fast effigy related
~ 2. Have you used Fast Effigy before? How was your experience? Is there anything you like/dislike about our fc or our rules? I have use FE both the clan and FC, its always a good experience. I like everything fast effigy related
~ 3. What is your timezone? This will help us identify a suitable Mentor to help you get started. All of them
~ 4. Have you read and understood our rules and especially our ''New Approach''? How would you explain our ''New Approach'' in your own words? less rules, less kicking, more relaxed atmosphere than the assitst clan
~ 5. Do we only assist effigies or do we assist other things like dung weapons as well? Please don't post the answer to this question here. Pm the answer to a rank of Captain+. It serves as proof that you have read the first page of our forum thread.
cool I pm Weltminster
* 6. Are you currently in a clan chat? Are you willing to join our clan chat? Don’t be alarmed, the majority of our fc ranks already belong to another clan, which is perfectly fine with us. But if you do choose to join our clan you will be able to benefit from our tier 7 citadel and the 6% experience boost that our clan avatar provides. Already am a member
26-Dec-2014 07:21:40