===== Section 47: Clue Voyages 7: Mask of Gu & Salty Title =====
- Gu outfit pieces are gotten in order: Gu Hakama (legs), Gu Uwagi (top), The Way of Gu (cape slot), and lastly Mask of Gu.
- Players owning Mask of Gu can purchase Waiko Guru unlock from Waiko Reward Shop for 100 chimes. This halves the cost of re-rolling Arc contracts and is required for the Salty title.
1. Build 3 Tengu icons and 4 Map Tables (using Jade + Cherrywood).
Focus Loop region.
2. When the Tengu clue voyage comes, check the Map Tables to see what is the correct island to send the Tengu off to. Repeat 2 more times for total of 3 (more if the voyage fails).
3. After successfully completing the first 3 Tengu clue voyages,
focus Shield region.
On the 4th Tengu clue voyage, talk to him above stairs in the bar, and donate "25". Do NOT enter "25K". Repeat 3 more times for total of 4 (more if the voyage fails).
4. Block 6-8 unwanted adventurers (3-4 duos on 3-4 ships) to increase chance of Tengu appearing in port.
5. Obtain 300-400K Dungeoneering tokens/hour doing Elite Dungeon 1: Temple of Aminishi, with 2 teammates, especially during ED1 Spotlight.
6. Buy infinite Ports Enhancers (50,000 Dungeoneering tokens each; 46,500 if Warped Gorajo outfit is owned) from Elite Dungeon Reward Shop. You are hoping to get Adventurer Rerolls from the 5 charges on each Ports Enhancer.
Only follow step 4 if all you care about is getting the Mask of Gu/Salty title from the Arc and don't mind slowing down overall progress in Player Owned Ports.
~Portmaster Kags