I was told to bring this question here.
I just recently returned to Rs3 for a few activities for bond money. I picked up Ports for the first time in YEARS (Before they added the 2 regions). I added lifeboats on every ship when I came back... and have been losing crew the last few days out of the blue. There's a high chance I'm just super ignorant since, again, it's been years since I played...but I don't want to continue daily ports if something is wrong lol.
I've done some research, and first discovered the change to lifeboats to be permanent (right?) and then the bug back in ~Feb 2021. If my personal boats/account/ports was untouched until after it was fixed...it is possible my account's ports are still bugged?
If anything, maybe I just need a lesson on lifeboats? Help please lol thank you!
17-Jul-2021 21:24:27