
Penguin & Ghost Clues

Quick find code: 75-76-470-58336674

Sep Member 2005


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/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v228 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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Three roamers this week: Gnome Maze, Rellekka and Burthorpe.

Gnome Maze and Rellekka are the only actual roamers as Burthorpe spawns inside a trap and is not likely to leave Death Plateau or the path there. Western traps, most commonly Seer's area traps are going to attract both Rellekka and Gnome Maze, but they may get in any trap and also cross the mountains to east.

In the rare case of Burtorpe getting free to roam I would first check by the bridge south of Falador furnace.

Traps and clues to find the roamers in west are:
-- Seers anvil, churchyard and at bridge west of Sinclair Mansion -- somewhere in the kindom of Kandarin (most commonly Piscatoris and Nw Ardy)
-- Keep Le Faye -- near the coast, west of Ardougne
-- Catherby docks -- near the mountain of wolves
-- dead trees trap sw of ZMI -- west of Ardougne, in the hills (not very likely but could be any of the western ones)
-- Oo'glog boulder trap -- near some ogres (closest one is Port Khazard)

Traps and clues to find the raomers from east:
-- at bridge to Falador Castle -- in the kindom of Asgarnia
-- area east of Draynor Manor -- in the kingdom of Misthalin
-- Death Plateau -- where Imperial Guard train
-- at blue urn in Digsite area -- in the kingdom of Misthalin

Team Penguin

05-Jan-2013 16:54:48

Sep Member 2005


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/ /\ Umbrella clues v228 /\ \
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Closed area penguins are resembling pretty much what last week was like. Northern desert penguin, southern desert penguins and Morytanian pengun are casting clues to cover each other.

near some pointy-eared ones -- Elf / roamer west of 3 ponds by the mountain side

-- in the northern desert -- Mage Training Arena in the main northern desert area / desert (either of them) ne of Shantay Pass or from ne of Dominion tower to north of Uzer
-- in the southern desert -- Desert (both of them) most of the time / MTA inside Shantay Pass
-- where bloodsuckers rule -- Canifis most of the time / MTA on Polypore island / roamer at the Temple of Paterdomus or by riverside east of Digsite

-- in the kingdom of Asgarnia -- MTA at the fence nw of Draynor market / roamer on Asgarnia area
-- in the kingdom of Misthalin -- MTA out of northern desert in Misthalin, or behind Al Khard bank, or ne of Mage Training Arena / roamer on Misthalin area
-- near Port Sarim -- MTA at fence west of Draynor market / roamer on Port Sarim area

Team Penguin

05-Jan-2013 17:10:28

Sep Member 2005


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/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v229 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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This week is strikingly similar to previous one: 3 roamers of which one is spawning on Fremennik clue area, 2 southern deserts, a Morytanian penguin, a northern desert (even the same one) and an Elf penguin.

All roamers are from west. Barbarian Outpost starts from north, Feldip bush from south and Port Khazard from the middle.

From the western traps Feldip is the most likely one to be found in Oo'glog boulder trap. Barbarian Outpost is most likely the one to be found in Seers anvil or in any other Seers area traps. Port Khazard may head both ways and also west towards ZMI and dead trees trap, but I assume Seers/Catherby is also the place to find it.

Traps and clues to find the roamers in west are:
-- Seers anvil, churchyard and at bridge west of Sinclair Mansion -- somewhere in the kindom of Kandarin
-- Keep Le Faye -- near the coast, west of Ardougne
-- Catherby docks -- near the mountain of wolves
-- dead trees trap sw of ZMI -- west of Ardougne, in the hills
-- Oo'glog boulder trap -- near some ogres

Traps and clues to find the raomers from east:
-- at bridge to Falador Castle -- in the kindom of Asgarnia
-- area east of Draynor Manor -- in the kingdom of Misthalin
-- Death Plateau -- where Imperial Guard train
-- at blue urn in Digsite area -- in the kingdom of Misthalin

Team Penguin

14-Jan-2013 09:37:15

Sep Member 2005


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/ /\ Umbrella clues v229 /\ \
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Closed area penguins are again resembling pretty much last week but also the week before. Northern desert penguin, southern desert penguins and Morytanian penguin are casting clues to cover each other, Elf is accompanied with super umbrella caster McGrubor's, but instead no Wildy umbrellas.

-- somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin -- McGrubor's Woods / roamer on Kandarin area
-- near some pointy-eared ones -- Elf / roamer west of 3 ponds by the mountain side

-- in the northern desert -- Mage Training Arena in the main northern desert area / desert (either of them) ne of Shantay Pass or from ne of Dominion tower to north of Uzer
-- in the southern desert -- Desert (both of them) most of the time / MTA inside Shantay Pass
-- where bloodsuckers rule -- Canifis most of the time / MTA on Polypore island / roamer at the Temple of Paterdomus or by riverside east of Digsite

-- in the kingdom of Asgarnia -- MTA at the fence nw of Draynor market / roamer on Asgarnia area
-- in the kingdom of Misthalin -- MTA out of northern desert in Misthalin, or behind Al Khard bank, or ne of Mage Training Arena / roamer on Misthalin area
-- near Port Sarim -- MTA at fence west of Draynor market / roamer on Port Sarim area

Team Penguin

14-Jan-2013 09:50:48

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> .................................................................................................*****;(ö)
/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v230 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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Again 3 western roamers, again one of them spawning on Fremennik clue area, again a desert penguin and again an elf penguin.

Rellekka penguin starts from the north, Cw/Jigging from the south and Gnome Maze from the middle. Spawning clues are exactly the same as last week. Cw is the most likely one to be found in Oo'glog boulder trap. Rellekka and Gnome Maze are competing of the best traps in Seers. Gnome Maze is also close to the Battle Field bridges and it has an easy route to west and in dead trees trap.

Traps and clues to find the roamers in west are:
-- Seers anvil, churchyard and at bridge west of Sinclair Mansion -- somewhere in the kindom of Kandarin
-- Keep Le Faye -- near the coast, west of Ardougne
-- Catherby docks -- near the mountain of wolves
-- dead trees trap sw of ZMI -- west of Ardougne, in the hills
-- Oo'glog boulder trap -- near some ogres

Traps and clues to find the raomers from east:
-- at bridge to Falador Castle -- in the kindom of Asgarnia
-- area east of Draynor Manor -- in the kingdom of Misthalin
-- Death Plateau -- where Imperial Guard train
-- at blue urn in Digsite area -- in the kingdom of Misthalin

This week doesn't bring up so many umbrella clues and the covered areas are small.

-- near some pointy-eared ones -- Elf / roamer west of 3 ponds by the mountain side
-- where bloodsuckers rule -- Canifis most of the time / roamer at the Temple of Paterdomus or by riverside east of Digsite
-- where banana smugglers dwell -- Brimhaven north of the isthmus / roamer on southwest coast in Rimmington
-- deep in the jungle -- Brimhaven south of the isthmus / roamer on Mudskipper Point

Team Penguin

21-Jan-2013 18:55:33 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2013 19:06:26 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> .................................................................................................*****;(ö)
/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v231 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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Very interesting week. Only two roamers, Feldip and Burthorpe, of which Burthorpe is spawning inside a trap.

Feldip starts from south and has a great chanse getting trapped in Oo'glog boulder trap. If it doesn't get in there it will most likely get in one of the seers area traps or possibly cross White Wolf Mountains to east.

Traps and clues to find the roamers in west are:
-- Seers anvil, churchyard and at bridge west of Sinclair Mansion -- somewhere in the kindom of Kandarin
-- Keep Le Faye -- near the coast, west of Ardougne
-- Catherby docks -- near the mountain of wolves
-- dead trees trap sw of ZMI -- west of Ardougne, in the hills
-- Oo'glog boulder trap -- near some ogres

Traps and clues to find the raomers from east:
-- at bridge to Falador Castle -- in the kindom of Asgarnia
-- area east of Draynor Manor -- in the kingdom of Misthalin
-- Death Plateau -- where Imperial Guard train
-- at blue urn in Digsite area -- in the kingdom of Misthalin

Intersting is the amount of closed area penguins with many possible clues to actiavte.

Draynor Manor twins and Al Kharid have same possible clues as they all are starter area penguins and they will be covering each other as well as possible roamer pengs.

Wilderness penguins and Elf penguin also may hide roamers.

Team Penguin

27-Jan-2013 18:58:33

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> ........................*****;(ö)
/ /\ Umbrella clues v231 /\ \
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Never before have we had 3 penguins on starter area.

Draynor Manor twins and Al Kharid can all activate same clues, so they are basically hiding each other all the time. Also they may hide southern desert and roamer pengs in almost all of east of White Wolf Mountain areas.

Wilderness adds to the overall umbrella above east of White Wolf Mountains. Only elf peng hides a roamer in west and that on a relatively small area.

-- near some pointy-eared ones -- Elf / roamer west of 3 ponds by the mountain side

-- in the Wilderness -- Wildy penguins most of the time / roamer behind Black Knights fortress or by the Wildy wall

-- in the northern desert -- Al Kharid or Draynor Manor penguins in the main northern desert area / desert ne of Shantay Pass or from ne of Dominion tower to north of Uzer
-- in the southern desert -- Desert most of the time / Al Kharid or Draynor Manor penguins inside Shantay Pass

-- in the kingdom of Asgarnia -- Draynor Manor penguins or Al Kharid at the fence nw of Draynor market / roamer on Asgarnia area
-- in the kingdom of Misthalin -- Draynor Manor penguins most of the times or Al Kharid out of northern desert in Misthalin, or behind Al Khard bank, or ne of Mage Training Arena / roamer on Misthalin area
-- near Port Sarim -- Draynor Manor penguins or Al Kharid at the fence west of Draynor market / roamer on Port Sarim area

Team Penguin

27-Jan-2013 19:11:56

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> .................................................................................................*****;(ö)
/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v232 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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Four roamers but just few umbrella clues this week. Port Khazard, Gnome Maze are from west, Rellekka from northwest and Goblin Village from east. All the western penguins will most likely be found in Seers area traps, and it is also possible for Goblin Village unless it will head north and get in Death Plateau trap.

Traps and clues to find the roamers in west are:

-- Seers anvil, churchyard and at bridge west of Sinclair Mansion -- somewhere in the kindom of Kandarin
-- Keep Le Faye -- near the coast, west of Ardougne
-- Catherby docks -- near the mountain of wolves
-- dead trees trap sw of ZMI -- west of Ardougne, in the hills
-- Oo'glog boulder trap -- near some ogres

Traps and clues to find the raomers from east:

-- at bridge to Falador Castle -- in the kindom of Asgarnia
-- area east of Draynor Manor -- in the kingdom of Misthalin
-- Death Plateau -- where Imperial Guard train
-- at blue urn in Digsite area -- in the kingdom of Misthalin

This weeks umbrella clues are not very dominant:

-- in the Wilderness -- Wildy penguin most of the time / roamer behind Black Knights fortress or by the Wildy wall
-- where bloodsuckers rule -- Morty penguin most of the time / roamer at Temple of Paterdomus or by river east of Digiste

Team Penguin

04-Feb-2013 17:58:36

Sep Member 2005


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On last day of v231 (28th) there was a bug where some penguins had respawning delay after being reset. On w60 elf rock penguin dissapeared for an hour.

During that time the clue Chuck gave not suiting any other penguins was "somewhere in RuneScape"!!

This clue was reported by servarl players and during all of that 1 hour time.

Very long ago, 5th of August in 2009, before all of the clue areas and their borders were know to me, there was an incident where I was resetting an off world penguin (Barbarian Outpost) and while waiting for it to tele I was using contact npc to ask clues for other pengs.

I was in a middle of the clue asking process when peng teled and I went through all the clicking to get a clue before I was going to tele to Barbarian Outpost. The clue I got was "somewhere in RuneScape". When I teled to spawn area I was there before the peng spawned.

At that time I didn't know of former "somewhere in RuneScape" clue area between mountains and 3 ponds nw of Arandar Pass so my conclusion was that it was a clue for penguins not on RuneScape map (for example when in teleing process).

What backed up this conclusion was a bit in Patch Notes 01/04/09:
"The penguin hints should be more resilient now. Previously if those pesky penguins have evaded even us, it would give you the message "Somewhere in Runescape" Hopefully this shouldn't happen any more."
They fixed the missing music for Phoenix lair area and added it in "where eagles fly" clue area.

I realised later when reading the post (page 19, post 3) again that there was a penguin roaming close to the now former "somewhere in RuneScape" clue area so the clue could have been activated by it.

But now, with the elf rock vanishing for an hour and Chuck giving clues for "somewhere in RuneScape" when all other penguin locations were defenitely known, it looks like I could have been correct in my first conclusion.

Clue for penguins not on clue map in RuneScape is "somewhere in RuneScape"

Team Penguin

09-Feb-2013 13:49:49 - Last edited on 09-Feb-2013 13:53:02 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> .................................................................................................*****;(ö)
/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v233 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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This week brings us 3 roamers and some pretty evil umbrella casters

All roamers are from west. Feldip being the most southern one is the likely one to be found in Oo'glog boulder trap. Piscatoris and Witchaven are both likely to get in some trap in Seers area or heading north to Fremennik provence or crossing White Wolf Mountain to east.

Traps and clues to find the roamers in west are:

-- Seers anvil, churchyard and at bridge west of Sinclair Mansion -- somewhere in the kindom of Kandarin
-- Keep Le Faye -- near the coast, west of Ardougne
-- Catherby docks -- near the mountain of wolves
-- dead trees trap sw of ZMI -- west of Ardougne, in the hills
-- Oo'glog boulder trap -- near some ogres

Traps and clues to find the raomers from east if they go there:

-- at bridge to Falador Castle -- in the kindom of Asgarnia
-- area east of Draynor Manor -- in the kingdom of Misthalin
-- Death Plateau -- where Imperial Guard train
-- at blue urn in Digsite area -- in the kingdom of Misthalin

Umbrella clues are cast by Draynor Manor, Brimhaven and Elf penguins.

-- near the pointy-eared ones -- Elf / roamer west of 3 ponds, south of Eagels peak

-- in the kingdom of Asgarnia -- Draynor Manor at fence nw of Draynor Village / roamer on Asgarnia area
-- in the kingdom of Misthalin -- Draynor Manor most of the times also if behind Al Khard bank, or ne of Mage Training Arena / roamer on Misthalin area
-- near Port Sarim -- Draynor Manor at fence west of Draynor market / roamer on Port Sarim area

-- where banana smugglers dwell -- Brimhaven on northern Karamja / roamer sw of Rimmington
-- deep in the jungle -- Brimhaven on southern Karamja / roamer on Mudskipper Point

Team Penguin

11-Feb-2013 21:38:19 - Last edited on 11-Feb-2013 21:41:01 by elipile

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