
Penguin & Ghost Clues

Quick find code: 75-76-470-58336674

Sep Member 2005


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Latest update closed the west coast route to Prifddinas and Arandar paths.

This means that the "somewhere in RuneScape" clue is not possible at this point (or at least not on any known area).
Also "near some pointy-eared ones" clue outside of Elf areas points only to the mountainside west of Arandar Pass and three ponds, and "north of Ardougne" does not point to the area south of Arandar Pass.

Team Penguin

27-Oct-2012 12:52:30

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> .................................................................................................. <(ö)
/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v218 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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This week offers us 2 eastern roamers and 1 from the middle. Digiste and Mudskipper are likely to get in some of the eastern traps. White Wolf Mountain may as well start towards west or east.
Traps to find the roamers in east are:
-- at blue urn in Digsite area -- in the kingdom of Misthalin
-- area east of Draynor Manor -- in the kingdom of Misthalin
-- at bridge to Falador Castle -- in the kindom of Asgarnia
-- Death Plateau -- where Imperial Guard train
In west the traps around Catherby/Seers are the most likely but others may well catch long distance runners:
-- Catherby docks -- near the mountain of wolves
-- Seers anvil, churchyard and at bridge west of Sinclair Mansion -- somewhere in the kindom of Kandarin
-- Keep Le Faye -- near the coast, west of Ardougne
-- Oo'glog bould trap -- near some ogres
-- dead trees trap sw of ZMI -- west of Ardougne, in the hills

Four of this week closed area penguins can cast umbrellas to hide roaming penguins:
-- near some pointy-eared ones -- Elf / roamer at the mountain west of Arandar Pass and three ponds
-- deep in the jungle -- East Karamja and Brimhaven if on Karamja south of the isthmus / roamer on Mudskipper Point
-- where bloodsuckers rule -- Port Phasmatys / roamer at the Temple of Paterdomus or by riverside east of Digsite

Team Penguin

27-Oct-2012 12:52:43

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)&gt; .................................................................................................*****;(ö)
/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v219 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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This weeks 4 roamers are all from west. Piscatoris starts from northwest, Feldip bush and rock from south and Observatory from the west edge of the middle parts.
Traps to find the roamers in west are:
-- Oo'glog boulder trap -- near some ogres (most commonly either of the Feldip pengs)
-- dead trees trap sw of ZMI -- west of Ardougne, in the hills (most likely Observatory)
-- Seers anvil, churchyard and at bridge west of Sinclair Mansion -- somewhere in the kindom of Kandarin (most commonly Piscatoris)
-- Keep Le Faye -- near the coast, west of Ardougne
-- Catherby docks -- near the mountain of wolves
Eastern traps are also possible if any of the roamers cross White Wolf Mountains:
-- Death Plateau -- where Imperial Guard train
-- at bridge to Falador Castle -- in the kindom of Asgarnia
-- area east of Draynor Manor -- in the kingdom of Misthalin
-- at blue urn in Digsite area -- in the kingdom of Misthalin


Team Penguin

02-Nov-2012 13:11:35

Sep Member 2005


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... continued

This weeks (v219) umbrella clues are various but all locating in east
-- in the kindom of Misthalin -- Wizards Tower most of the times, also behind Al Kharid bank, nw of Mage Training Arena and ne of Mage Training Arena / roamer in Misthalin area
-- in the kindom of Asgarnia -- Wizards Tower by stone fence nw of Draynor Market / roamer in Asganria area
-- near Port Sarim -- Wizards Tower by stone fence west of Draynor Market / roamern in Port Sarim area
-- in the Wilderness -- Wildernes most of the times / roamer at Wildy wall or behind Black Knights' Fortress
-- where bloodsuckers rule -- Wizards Tower at Polypore island / roamer at Temple of Paterdomus or by the *iver east of Digsite
-- in the northern desert -- Wizards tower in most of Al kharid / Desert northeast of Shantay Pass or at the north end of desert east of the river from northeast of Dominion Tower to the northeastern mine and coast north of Uzer
-- in the southern desert -- Desert most of the times / Wizards Tower inside Shantay Pass

Team Penguin

02-Nov-2012 13:42:57

Mar Member 2023


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I was doing some research on the theory that penguin movement has been recently tweaked so that they prefer to head north.
I checked three worlds to see where the 4 roamers were, and I thought I'd post the results here because it may change our understanding of how penguins roam.
Here's where I found the penguins:
World 51
Feldip bush -- Seers anvils
Pisc/Obs crate -- Bridge west of Sinclairs
Feldip rock -- Dead trees south of Piscatoris colony
Pisc/Obs crate -- Goblin tower south of the dwarf cannon (nw of fishing guild)
World 52
Feldip rock -- Seers anvils
Pisc/Obs crate -- Bridge west of Sinclairs
Feldip bush -- Rock crabs east of Rellekka
Pisc/Obs crate -- couldn't find it. Chuck's clues suggest Kingdom of Kandarin
World 53
Feldip bush -- Bridge west of Sinclairs
Feldip rock -- roaming northwest of Falconry
Pisc/Obs crate -- bottom of the path up Eagles Peak
Pisc/Obs crate -- Rellekka market

As you can see, the evidence overwhelmingly favours the theory that the penguins prefer to move north. More testing is needed, but at this stage I think we can say that the recent changes mean roamer penguins are more likely to be found in the northern part of their roam ranges.

05-Nov-2012 10:35:26 - Last edited on 05-Nov-2012 10:55:33 by Aveo7

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)&gt; .................................................................................................*****;(ö)
/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v220 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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This week looks partly same as last week specially when looking at the closed area penguins. Half of the penguins are from same clue areas as last week, 4 of them are closed area penguins.
Feldip bush and Ice Mountain are the roamers, and Burthorpe too if it gets bumped out of its spawn area.
Feldip being from west has the first hand opportunity to settle in western traps: Oo'glog boulder trap (near some ogres), dead trees trap sw of ZMI (west of Ardougne, in the hills), Keep Le Faye trap (on the coast, west of Ardougne), Seers anvil, churhcyard or trap west of Sinclairs bridge (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin) and finally Catherby docks trap (near a mountain of wolves).
Eastern Ice Mountain is likely to be found from trap at bridge to Falador Castle (in the kindom of Asgarnia) or it may end up in the area east of Draynor Manor (in the kindom of Misthalin). If it passes these it can get even to Digsite and in trap at Blue Urn (in the kindom of Misthalin).
Burthorpe spawns inside Death Plateau trap (where Imperial Guard train) and is likely to stay there the whole week either at melee trolls in the plateau or roaming on the path to there. Ice Mountain penguin has a chanse to join it, and why not Feldip too if it is northeast mooded.
Like always, any roamer has a chanse to cross White Wolf Mountains and be found in any of the self traps.

Umbrella clues are even more complex than last week, but still locating in east. More of those in next post.

Team Penguin

10-Nov-2012 15:19:40 - Last edited on 10-Nov-2012 15:27:43 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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This weeks (v220) umbrella clues are the same as last week added with Sawmill and Canifis which do hide also other closed area penguins. Basically almost all of eastern area is hidden by an Umbrella caster.

-- in the kindom of Misthalin -- Sawmill / Wizards Tower most of the times, also behind Al Kharid bank, nw of Mage Training Arena and ne of Mage Training Arena / roamer in Misthalin area
-- in the kindom of Asgarnia -- Wizards Tower by stone fence nw of Draynor Market / roamer in Asgarnia area
-- near Port Sarim -- Wizards Tower by stone fence west of Draynor Market / roamer in Port Sarim area
-- in the Wilderness -- Wilderness most of the times / roamer at Wildy wall or behind Black Knights' Fortress
-- where bloodsuckers rule -- Canifis most of the time / Wizards Tower at Polypore island / roamer at Temple of Paterdomus or by the river east of Digsite
-- in the northern desert -- Wizards tower in most of Al kharid / Desert northeast of Shantay Pass or at the north end of desert east of the river from northeast of Dominion Tower to the northeastern mine and coast north of Uzer
-- in the southern desert -- Desert most of the times / Wizards Tower inside Shantay Pass

Team Penguin

10-Nov-2012 15:25:27 - Last edited on 10-Nov-2012 15:29:34 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)&gt; .................................................................................................*****;(ö)
/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v221 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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A week of 4 roamers, 3 from west and 1 from east. Eagles starts from northwest, CW/Jiggig rock from south of Cw, Rellekka and Burthorpe from north but opposite sides of White Wolf Mountains.
Traps to find the roamers in west are:
-- Oo'glog boulder trap -- near some ogres (most commonly CW)
-- dead trees trap sw of ZMI -- west of Ardougne, in the hills (most likely Cw or Eagles)
-- Seers anvil, churchyard and at bridge west of Sinclair Mansion -- somewhere in the kindom of Kandarin (most commonly Eagles and Rellekka)
-- Keep Le Faye -- near the coast, west of Ardougne
-- Catherby docks -- near the mountain of wolves
Traps to find the raomers from east:
-- Death Plateau -- where Imperial Guard train (Burthorpe for sure, likely for Rellekka)
-- at bridge to Falador Castle -- in the kindom of Asgarnia
-- area east of Draynor Manor -- in the kingdom of Misthalin
-- at blue urn in Digsite area -- in the kingdom of Misthalin

Although there are lots of closed area penguins this week, there are just some umbrella clues:
-- near some pointy-eared ones -- Elf/Lletya / roamer at the western mountain south of Eagles Peak
-- somewhere in the kindom of Kandarin -- McGrubor's / roamer on Kandarin clue area
-- in the kingdom of Misthalin -- Sawmill / roamer on Misthalin clue area

Basically Mc'Grubors and Sawmill can hide roamers on large areas. This week it is important to pay attention also to the clues you are missing to find out where the penguins may be.

Team Penguin

17-Nov-2012 11:05:38 - Last edited on 17-Nov-2012 11:07:10 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)&gt; .................................................................................................*****;(ö)
/ /\ Clue analysis of the week - v222 on Penguin Locations thread - on post 2.6 /\ \
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This week offers us just two roamers, Digiste and WWM, but lots of umbrella clues.
Digisite is likely to stay in the eastern areas and get stuck in some of the traps before it reaches White Wolf Mountain to cross it. WWM has equal possibitilites to go towards west and east.
Most likely trap in west is Seers anvil (somewhere in the kindom of Kandarin).
Most likely traps in east are the area east of Draynor Manor (in the kindom of Misthalin) and the trap by bridge to White Knights' Castle in Falador (in the kindom of Asgarnia).
Other possible traps in west are Catherby docks (near a mountain of wolves), Seers churchyard and trap by bridge west of Sinclairs' (somewhere in the kindom of Kandarin), Keep Le Faye (on the coast, west of Ardougne), dead trees trap sw of ZMI (west of Ardougne, in the hills) and Oo'glog boulder trap near red sandstone (near some ogres).
Other possible traps in east are at Blue Urn in Digsite (in the kindom of Misthalin) and Death Plateau (where Imperial Guard train).

Umbrella clues:
- in the kindom of Misthalin -- Sawmill / roamer on Misthalin area
- where bloodsuckers rule -- Canifis most of the time / roamer at the Temple of Paterdomus or by river east of Digsite
- in the Wilderness -- Wilderness (x3) most of the times / roarmer at Wildy wall or behind Black Knights' Fortress
- deep in the jungle -- either Karamja or Musa Point south of Karamja isthmus / roamer on Mudskipper Point
- where banana smugglers dwell - either Musa Point or Karamja north of Karamja isthmus / roamer on southwest coast of Rimmington
- near some pointy-eared ones - Elf / roamer by mountains south of Eagles Peak, west of Arandar Pass

Team Penguin

23-Nov-2012 12:06:19

Quick find code: 75-76-470-58336674 Back to Top