Hiya and wow what a reset....
Here is some inofrmation that might be relevent.
Last night at reset I got exactly 3 clues and not one other different.
1.) Where Pirates feel mostly harmless
followed by
2.) Where brothers quarrel - 3 times in a row
followed by
3.) Somewhere in RS
followed by
4.) Where brothers quarrel - 7 times in a row
followed by
5.) Somewhere in RS - 2 times
followed by
6.) Where brothers quarrel - 4 more times
by this time I had enough and had to call in friends to help me get clues...
I am not sure of the reasoning why Jagex would do this to a player....
As I am sure I was not the only that this happened to.
It would be a shame if this was going to be the mode of oprandi that Jagex is going to shove down our throats as I know many players that hunt penguins by themsevles or with a very small group of friends.
It will be interesting to see of Jagex works out this kink that I came across by next week.
Hope that this information helps let players know that if this happened to them - they are not alone.
Good Luck
08-Dec-2010 15:08:28