RSN: shriimpson
Combat Level: 137
What clan are you in?: Celestial Selection
Previous Clans?: n/a
Timezone? GMT
How did you found out about our friends chat? Who is your referral if any?: n/a
Have you joined any other minigames related friends chats? If so, which ones?: Ba Teams
Have you played Castle Wars?: Yes
What is the reason you decide to join our friends chat? Trim requirements
What are your goals from Castle Wars?(ie, Trim/Ardy Requirement, Halos, War Games): Halo, trim reqs
What the roles a coordinator can assign you for our games? Any
Will you be using our Discord?: yes
Who is a staff of our friends chat? FireLord Exp
What Rank(s) is a Staff Rank?(Hint: NOT staff roles): General
Describe one of our Rules: No Leaking games to crashers or bring drama to the FC
Will you bump our thread?: unlikely
I understand that I must add the friends chat, Cwar united, to my friends list and might be PMed to join our main games from time to time for when the current game is under 10 players or in need of people to start the game. Sign your RSN: shriimpson
RSN: Dvsmike
What clan are you in? The Royal Crown
Timezone: GMT - 3
How did you find out about our friends chat? Who is your referal if any? Forum search
Have you joined any other minigames related friends chats? If so, which ones? Fastsc and Fishflingers
What are your goals from castle wars and our friends chat? Trim reqs (halo after that)
Do you plan to play CW only during spotlights? Nope (enhancers ftw)
What are the roles a coordinator can assign you for our games? Sara/ZtoS
Are you willing to join our discord server and/or create an account to join it? yep
Who is a staff member in our friends chat? FireLord Exp
Describe one of our Rules: No Leaking/Sabotaging games
Will you bump our thread?: Sure
I understand that I must add the friends chat, Cwar united, to my friends list and may be PMed to join our games when the current game is under 10 players or in need of people to start the game. I must post in channel #applied-what-now on discord, that i applied on forums. Sign your RSN: Dvsmike
rsn: ace sparrow
gmt -4
achievement help discord.
get trim comp
i have not joined any just starting the grind to (t)
only expect to play during spotlight
sara,ztos,prem, temp
already joined the discord
FireLord Exp,Izzybelle,Pker Dude Jr,Noob King,MeMoReX,Caex,Victree,SlayMistress
no atking people unless both parties are okay , would be annoying if they didnt agree.
Ace Sparrow