
Castle Wars FC: Cwar United V3

Quick find code: 75-76-19-66056126

Mar Member 2015


Posts: 202 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
RSN? wee muzzy
What clan are you in? legendary inc
Timezone? (GMT+#) +2
How did you find out about our friends chat? Who is your referal if any? forums
Have you joined any other minigames related friends chats? If so, which ones? -
What are your goals from castle wars and our friends chat? profound for trim
Do you plan to play CW only during spotlights? (This is acceptable if so.) no
What are the roles a coordinator can assign you for our games? ztos, sara
Are you willing to join our discord server and/or create an account to join it? already in it
Who is a staff member in our friends chat? firelord exp
Describe one of our Rules. no drama
Will you bump our thread? no
I understand that I must add the friends chat, Cwar united, to my friends list and may be PMed to join our games when the current game is under 10 players or in need of people to start the game. I must post in channel #application-verify on discord, that i applied on forums. I acknowledge that if i've been added to the fc before and want to be readded i should tag a staff Sign your RSN: wee muzzy

18-Apr-2019 14:39:13



Posts: 32 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
RSN? Ceto
Combat Level? 138
What clan are you in? The Order Of War
Timezone? (GMT+1)
How did you find out about our friends chat? google. Who is your referral if any? -
Have you joined any other minigames related friends chats?yes. If so, which ones? pestcontrols
Have you played Castle Wars? yes
What are your goals from castle wars and our friends chat? full profound
What are the roles a coordinator can assign you for our games? i´d like only sara but can also take ztos if needed.
Are you willing to join our discord server and/or create an account to join it? have no discord
Who is a staff member in our friends chat? firelord exp
Describe one of our Rules. do not attack friendchat members.
Will you bump our thread? no
I understand that I must add the friends chat, Cwar united, to my friends list and may be PMed to join our games when the current game is under 10 players or in need of people to start the game. Sign your RSN: Ceto
What particulair element do we need Jesse?
oooohhh WIRE

19-Apr-2019 01:17:14

Aug Member 2023


Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
RSN? floowy
What clan are you in?verum
Timezone? (GMT+#)gmt+3
How did you find out about our friends chat? Who is your referal if any? noone
Have you joined any other minigames related friends chats?no If so, which ones? no
What are your goals from castle wars and our friends chat?zamorak halo
Do you plan to play CW only during spotlights? (This is acceptable if so.) yes
What are the roles a coordinator can assign you for our games? Ztos, Perm sara, Perm Ztos, sac
Are you willing to join our discord server and/or create an account to join it? yes
Who is a staff member in our friends chat? Pker Dude Jr
Describe one of our Rules.floow jagex rules
Will you bump our thread? yes
I understand that I must add the friends chat, Cwar united, to my friends list and may be PMed to join our games when the current game is under 10 players or in need of people to start the game. I must post in channel #application-verify on discord, that i applied on forums. I acknowledge that if i've been added to the fc before and want to be readded i should tag a staff Sign your RSN: floowy

19-Apr-2019 13:57:14

L ipe

L ipe

Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
RSN: L ip

Combat Level: 110

What clan are you in? Relentless attack

Previous Clan(s)? None

Timezone? (GMT -3)

How did you find out about our friends chat? Who is your referral if any? Google

Have you joined any other minigames related friends chats? If so, which ones? No

Have you played Castle Wars? No

What are your goals from castle wars and our friends chat? Ardougne achievements

What are the roles a coordinator can assign you for our games? Zamorak-to-Saradomin or Saradomin (Permanent or Temporary)

Are you willing to join our discord server and/or create an account to join it? Yes. I've already joined the server.

Who is a staff member in our friends chat? No

Describe one of our Rules. Follow all Jagex rules - No multi-logging especially.

Will you bump our thread? Yes

I understand that I must add the friends chat, Cwar united, to my friends list and may be PMed to join our games when the current game is under 10 players or in need of people to start the game. Sign your RSN: L ip

19-Apr-2019 18:31:21

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