Game is literally devolving into degeneracy. I had a convo with a friend who doesn't really do anything in game but hes a slight 'number-go-up' mental case. I asked him what his evaluation was between the self-destructive updates of 12/10/07 wildy free trade removal, then premature EoC nuking an overwhelming amount of the population, and coupled with the unofficial wildy removal "reborn" update essentially making no risk/incentive to pvp, and the conversation about death costs.
I basically reduced the convo to people in this game being carebears who like to waste time with 'content' and want no risk, and suggested they just remove death mechanic all together since it's clear nobody wants it in any way, shape or form. Of course I was being facetious, but even in his estimation he gave the game 5 years max, generously if they keep listening to carebears, redditors and just trying to appease for MTX.
Damn shame how this game came from booming wildy with few spots of pvm in classic and rs2, to nothing but softies who want everything handed to them while pointlessly going for their 3rd 200m in some boring skill on their fifth ironman, or chasing millisecond gains in some arbitrary pvm hiscore hitting the ceiling of average mmo combat.
Damn shame the population is so cringe these days, damn shame.
I've already quick and dirtied a simple suggestion to wildy and pvp to make it better here: 185-186-794-66259525
26-Aug-2022 01:21:33