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This is the single worst update in runescape history. R.I.P Runescape I quit unless forced pvp is returned to the wilderness. Every achievement, clue scroll, post quest and lore content and anything available as content in the wilderness while in a dangerous pvp area is now worthless. The competition level of the game is no longer worth it to me. My entire purpose on this game was to complete all content so I could spend 100% of my time in the wilderness killing anyone near me, or possibly fighting and maybe even dying to those that fight back. This game is officially dead to me despite that I have played since it's inception and, now a man in my mid 30's this is the only game I play at all. I permanently retire from video games now as the only video game worth playing for me is now purposeless.
I know that I am definitely the minority in this because the game is now full of a bunch of whiney little babies that demand pvp free access to the area. If the wilderness can't return to forced pvp, then I hope that Runescape as a game finally dies and the servers are permanently shut down. Good luck to all you pathetic little babies and your sense of entitlement and demand to destroy the only thing left that pvp players had to enjoy in the game.
I know you will call me a griefer, for the record that makes you incompetent. It was impossible to be 'griefed' in a clearly labeled player killing zone, as being that it was a clearly labeled zone intended for killing people.
Way to cut 'n' paste the same reply to multiple threads about Wildy. I won't bother doing the same though. RIP griefing. Poor, poor you.
04-Aug-2022 01:59:31