Divination-using full elder divination gear with nightmare muspah
Incan wisp level 95+ location - *note* it took me over 100 hours to get it and I was at 63mil div exp at the start of my hunt. When I lost all hope, I then got the pet
Skill: WoodCutting
Pet Name: Woody
Exactly what you were doing: cutting Mahogany trees in the hardwood grove at Tai Ba Wannai
Pet Name:RamSay
Exactly what you were doing: Cooking sharks with the sous chefs outfit on an portable range.
Time to follow an trail of Treasure.
My Goals
Lions Goals
Skill: Mining.
Pet Name: Rocky.
Exactly what you were doing: Mining corrupt ore in priff. Magic golem outfit on, augmented crystal pickaxe. Was there for about 10 minutes, took 100k xp...
Skill: Fishing.
Pet Name: Bubbles.
Exactly what you were doing: AFK fishing at waterfall fishing in priff. Fury shark outfit on, with rod-o-matic. Took 40m fish xp.
Skill: Firemaking.
Pet Name : Bernie.
Exactly what you were doing: Throwing magic logs on bonfire at max guild. Took less than 100k xp.