I tried finding games of Great Orb Project earlier today, but I failed to find any server hosting games, any friend chat hosting games, or anyone wishing to play a game at the time of asking.
What would be really handy is some way of knowing if there is a game of Great Orb Project ongoing at that time. Perhaps the Runecrafting guild could change to a different hue glow, or simply have something in the user interface to say there's a game active. At least then it'd be possible to know if the game was active. Currently you have to wait around for 20 minutes or so per server to know if anyone comes out of the game. Nobody can be expected to do that.
This issue is probably true for other minigames too.
Essentially, most minigames are dead because they are inaccessible. I've just been inside the more accessible Flash Powder Factory and that had dozens of players partaking in the game. I believe your suggestion is a step in the right direction, but I feel like a single-player mode should be available for all these minigames too.
It works for the minigames that have single player options, so I don't see why it wouldn't work for the minigames that don't currently have this as an option.
19-Jan-2021 21:56:58