if you leave during a game is currently on (aka if you are losing) then penalty of not being able to enter another game for x amount of time.
that applies already to most minigames? I wouldnt dare touching cwars leechers though, i dont wanna die already xd
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this. It seems to make a lot of sense and wouldn't really negatively affect the gameplay of the Minigames that you've proposed. When The Great Orb Project was in the spotlight a month or so ago, it took me several hours to find a match whilst hopping worlds. I was able to find one or two players but never enough to start a match. This is an idea that I can get behind to minimize the time wasted for finding a game.
exactly! GoP as you say is a very fun mini-game and don't see why it even would require 4 people to start. Just 2 friends could just pull it off properly.
It will even be more competitive than spotlight GoP, which is just people "spamming" one orb for thaler
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there were mini-games (and areas for that matter) that used this. The benefit is that the few people doing it will end up in the same area.
But even then most mini-games would find an insufficient amount of actual player.
*(Fight pits used to have such system for years... which has it's actual minimum players to start reduced to 2)
*crucible currently has such system (and can be initiated with just 2 people), although the instanced area is very controversial (i dare you try, safe btw, pking there) and tell me if you like it.
technical speaking it might just be easier to reduce just the minimum enter requirement (at no reward penalty) than making every mini-game area instanced.
off-topic (your idea related): the idea of instanced areas might be great for a mini-game that always require a group, as in impossible without group, like barbarian assault.
Things like fish trawlers, pest control can benefit from this as well, but then in combo with the atleast 1 (or 2) people req to start
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Hmm I’d rather see them filled with npc bots, 2 players in castle wars would be boring. Having some bots (provided they’re well balanced) on the other hand could be fairly entertaining.
I would love to see stealing creation active again. But i don't think the minigame wil work out with eoc combat system. It should be legacy only and the rewards should get an upgrade to attract more players, also the player count to start a game should be like 3v3 or something.
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Hmm I’d rather see them filled with npc bots, 2 players in castle wars would be boring. Having some bots (provided they’re well balanced) on the other hand could be fairly entertaining.
Support the being able to start with fewer players though.
Cheers, that's also a great idea, might be a later addition since i dunno how complex such thing is xd
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