"Like I said, I don't like doing it either, but in Jagex's case, it's the only way to get things done if what you want doesn't generate more revenue than not doing it, because Jagex isn't reasonable"
I largely agree with this sentiment. for anything larger than an toggle option the only thing that speaks is money to the capitalist overlords running jagex. (hi jagex, are you enjoying them running your game into the ground?) but, in this case i think it can be achieved with some forums complaining. they removed the treasure hunter button from my inventory when i complained about it, this seems like small enough change that they might do it if they did that.
"This still sounds to me like a bug - how could you clear all the bleeds but also not clear all the bleeds at the same time"
this isn't a contradiction. mutated barge bleeds cant be cleared through any means, they even persist as debuff icons on killed enemies. not being cleared at the end of the duel is just how the ability works, they were specifically designed this way.
"endgame group bossing"
c'mon man. KK isnt an endgame boss. but yeah, group bossing is where having a giant dragon taking up your screen becomes a pretty big problem, which is why i specifically mentioned all group bosses when replying to malfoy earlier in the thread
"So all of what you just said comes across to me as you letting yourself to be killed"
lol? is this a joke? would you like to fill me in on what series of actions you would have definitely taken in the less than 600 milliseconds you would have had to course correct?
"you can find someone else to group boss with if the person you currently have does something you don't like."
wow. really? you would tell your friend who you are trying to help get a great item to piss off for doing something annoying? i just took a bit extra out of the drygore drops for ring of death charges and made him deal with the consequences of my missed heals, but i guess that's just me.
02-May-2019 18:49:54