The tank armor works well for some bosses, much better than Cryptbloom and wands.
Arraxor spider path was super easy in comparison to magic.
Same with Telos 0% enrage.
I used range for Nex, Necro is a lot better. Easier to survive the ice blasts, easier to advance through stages. Blood phase still makes no sense, but I just run away all the time and that seems to work.
ED2 dragons are no problem. Little to worry about. ED3 the Crassian Leviathin dies much easier. At Taraket I have enough firepower to drop the NPC's that spawn skeletons quickly, making it much easier to complete.
It's pretty bad at Arch-Glacor, probably because the zombie can't do anything.
ED1 is still ridiculous. Same with Zuk and Ambassador. The new Necromancer boss is a major disappointment. I'd compare it to Rise of Six Barrows. I went in there and saw something. Didn't like what I saw. Didn't want any further explanation. Not going back, for any reason.
31-Aug-2023 12:12:35