Necro dragonfire shield makes you lose an adrenaline ability, accuracy and conjures, it's completely unusable, please make it fit for purpose.
I really don't enjoy bossing, it's just painting by numbers and I hate how rigid it is, I've blocked all slayer tasks with monsters with mechanics and stopped bossing while trying gwd 2 because I realised the only bosses I enjoyed was gwd1 and that's because it has no mechanics, the slayer that I enjoy has no mechanics.
I'd like to see more no mechanics monsters, you can have them like polypore and maybe airuts, but I prefer the fun to be on my end, wasn't that sort of the point of eoc? We haven't had any in ages, and releasing a combat skill with no monsters to fight is kind of annoying.
There are a bunch of people who are saying they don't like the way you make bosses, they're boring, they're grindy, people only did them when they had an over powered magic spell, when they can death touch dart, when they can pay their way past them, when they only do them in small numbers. Please re-evaluate how you build monsters in this game and give us some options. The bosses I've faught all play identically and I don't enjoy them, I don't see us as having options. It's hard to figure out what I'm paying for if you only make something I don't like, you're allowed to make a second thing.
So I have no interest in upgrading to level 90 necro armour, and the city apparently stops at level 103. Realising I wouldn't enjoy upgrading my armour made me not want to continue the skill past lvl 80, and I'm currently on lvl 103 so have no reason to go further.
The second to last necro quest I really didn't enjoy it's short and not very interesting, the last quest is just a boss fight and nothing else, although the finally of the god story line with the world guardian could really use a giant talking zamorak head as that quest ended terribly.
16-Sep-2023 14:09:49