
Kingdom of Misc. & Ect. UPDATE

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Nov Member 2022


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Introduction and Reasoning Behind the Requested Changes

EDIT: 08/05/2023 - With necromancy here at long last, it's defiantly time to consider overhauling Kingdoms! The massive amount of resources that are about to be utilized and consumed are going to prove that our kingdoms are more useful than ever, and we could use some heavy tweaks to the tables that we currently utilize! Take a good read at my suggestions and please, share to the discord and reddits so that Jmods might actually FINALLY hear me/us after all these years that this thread has been up!

I seek changes to be made, not only for myself, but for the thousands of others who are casual players and do not have the time nor patience to spend hours upon hours sitting at their desk AFKing while attempting to harvest a lucrative amount of consumables. If I am not mistaken, the Throne of Miscellana and Royal Trouble were brought into play at player requests due to the fact that obtaining said resources YEARS ago was a chore in its own right and wanted something new and different...we got what we asked for. The times have changed, and runescape has LONG SINCE progressed forward, leaving quite a bit of moderately used game mechanics, left wanting.

Our kingdoms are severely out of date, as are the "drop choices" we obtain from them. The only really viable selective from our Kingdoms now are Wood and Herbs (Wood for the birds nests and variable seeds/eggs along with low-mid level fletching and construction materials) which in turn, doesn't offer us much gratification.
Kingdoms are still crucial to Ironman accounts but change is required to be more up to date and modernized with the leveling curves of today.
Runescape Player since 2007

Ultimate Construction Update! - QFC: 74-75-76-65876528
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Player Owned Kingdoms Update! - QFC: 74-75-440-66076908
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17-Jan-2019 19:09:38 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2023 17:13:41 by Ketsujo

Nov Member 2022


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Mining Resources Suggestion

We are offered an abundance of Coal and a variety of Gems gathered by our subjects. I believe a change in what is readily gathered should be heavily considered, but here's the thing...we shouldn't rely on our kingdom to provide us with the massive amounts of ores for our smith laboring. The idea comes from those players who are Free to Play and Iron accounts with what is readily available to them as it stands. The following is a rough idea of what the output could be and what should be offered to us in whole or part.

Copper & Tin Ore be distributed at 1:1 per tick but at a 25% lesser rate that coal is currently distributed.
Iron Ore be distributed at the rate of 1:10 per Copper/Tin distributed.
Silver Ore - 20 ore can take the place of Uncut Gems currently awarded per X ore gathered
Coal - distributed at a 25% lesser rate than what it is currently.
Gold Ore - 5 ore per 100 silver ore distributed.
Mithril Ore be distributed at the rate of 1:15 per Iron ore distributed.
Adamant Ore be distributed at the rate of 1:30 per Iron ore distributed.
Luminite should be added at a rate of 1:75 coal obtained.
Runite Ore be distributed at a rate of 1:50 per Iron ore distributed.

These numbers will maintain a consistent flow for those who aren't active for more than a few hours a day, and will keep iron accounts happy. After all is said and done, the ratio in which the above ores are distributed, is no different than mining at the base level for said ores using the appropriate pickaxe.
Please keep in mind that all of these numbers are purely cosmetic and hypothetical in nature, and to be considered as a rough draft for the potential of a rework, if it were to ever come across our runescape lives.

If you have better ideas for the ratio in which we receive ore, please feel free to share! Any input is greatly appreciated and very welcomed!
Runescape Player since 2007

Ultimate Construction Update! - QFC: 74-75-76-65876528
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Player Owned Kingdoms Update! - QFC: 74-75-440-66076908
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17-Jan-2019 19:09:50 - Last edited on 06-Dec-2022 16:10:47 by Ketsujo

Nov Member 2022


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Herbs and Flax

Herbs are the most popular go to with Kingdoms to date, namely because of the high demand for mid to high-level herbs for Overload potions...but then again, there's also Flax...Sure, we have the Seers Task Set reward flax daily (which utterly bottomed out the cost of flax mind you), but some people prefer an abundance for whatever reason (Guilty here...).
Lets change this up a smidge shall we?

Flax and Various Flowers
Flowers should now be included with the harvesting of flax from our kingdoms. Lower level flowers that we can grow on our own, but in abundance so to speak...up to Limpwurt Roots.
This would make much more sense as Flax is considered a flower, and we can not grow it...but harvest it in mass quantities. So let's include a variety of flowers from our Kingdoms at a variable ratio.

Marigolds - 1 per 150 flax*
Rosemary - 1 per 75 flax*
Nasturtiums - 1 per 50 flax*
Woad Leaves - 1 per 20 flax*
Limpwurt Roots - 1 per 200 flax*


Currently, herbs are the most sought after consumable from our kingdoms due to the use for "Super and Extreme" sets which in turn bring us to our overloads...all fine and dandy, but the nasty influx of lower level herbs is making it relatively...irrelevant. Let's look at some changes here shall we?

Ranarr - Avanto should take the highest output priority as they are considered low to mid level. Spirit Weed and Wergali should be at a ratio of 1:25 and 1:50 Ranarr produced.

Kwaurm - Lantadyme should be on the lower spectrum of the table at a ratio of 1:15 Ranarr produced. This will keep their value stable while keeping Ironman accounts happy.

Dwarf Weed - Fellstalk should come at random intervals, no set ratio...could be 1:1 or 1:100.

As I mentioned, these changes will NOT affect the economy in a drastic nature, as players can grow them or slay for them FASTER than the kingdom can produce.
* - Indicates a Greater/Lesser Value Change
Runescape Player since 2007

Ultimate Construction Update! - QFC: 74-75-76-65876528
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Player Owned Kingdoms Update! - QFC: 74-75-440-66076908
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17-Jan-2019 19:10:02 - Last edited on 09-Jun-2021 17:18:29 by Ketsujo

Nov Member 2022


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Was once a milestone for players across runescape to stock pile swordfish and tuna prior to their memberships ending as to have Food for combat training on lesser demons, moss giants, hill giants, ice giants...whatever have you. This has now LONG SINCE been erased by banks offering Healing and EoC healing abilities as well. But nothing's safer than having Calorie Bombs and Saradomin Brews at hand ready to roll!. Currently the Kingdom offers a Mess of Things as well as Tuna and Swordfish. Let's get rid of the Junk and add in more viable fish shall we? Of course, specialty fish will not be included in the mix. Seeing as how our kingdom is found in the middle of the ocean...oceanic fish is obviously the prime selective for our consumable.

Shrimp/Anchovies: 50% Lesser Ratio than Tuna
Sardine: 25% Lesser Ratio than Tuna
Mackerel: 1:5 Sardine caught
Tuna: Current Output Ratio
Lobster: 1:10 Tuna caught
Bass: 1:20 Tuna caught
Swordfish: 1:30 Tuna caught
Shark: 1:50 Tuna caught
Great White Shark: 1:10 shark caught
Casket: 1:25 Sharks caught
Salvage Chest: 1:50 Great White Sharks caught

With Player Owned Farms requiring LARGE quantities of Fish for specific animals, the fishing economy of RS has steadily gone up and remained stable! These additions will NOT hurt the economy what-so-ever, and may even further balance it!

River Fishing is NOT going to work here, however, Cave Eel's and Frog Spawn could also be added as a random reward if needed, but I really see no need to do this as there are no real uses for Gnome Foods or variable concoctions that are able to be produced with those said items, while frog spawn has one use outside of cooking, its use is irrelevant to date.

Salvage Chest - Contains 3 - 7 Tiny - Medium salvage ranging from Copper to Adamant of all types. This will greatly help the Lower Level players as well as the Iron accounts with Invention Material needs as well! The reason behind this is the sea is full of mystery!
Runescape Player since 2007

Ultimate Construction Update! - QFC: 74-75-76-65876528
- Go Read It and Comment Away!
Player Owned Kingdoms Update! - QFC: 74-75-440-66076908
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17-Jan-2019 19:10:11 - Last edited on 07-Dec-2022 14:14:04 by Ketsujo

Nov Member 2022


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Completely Redone this section

With the current demand for seeds and their now exuberant prices, changing this section might be a touch and go situation for the community and its Farm Leveling Economy. While we have a few specific methods for 1 - 43 for quick and easy gains, there are some people who still prefer to grow Allotment based produce, for the sake of having them for POF and Super Compost.

The change that I suggest here, should be that we have an option for Produce in place of seeds. Now, in suggesting this, there will be some touch and go here with how much or how little we're supposed to get given the variety of seeds we receive.
The change that I suggest is that produce be given at ONE THIRD of the seeds that we could receive the from the loot pool. This would make actual farming much more viable to the player instead of relying on their kingdom for what they need for their cooking, pof, or harvest-potion needs.

If The Player Elects For Produce
To keep things interesting and make the kingdom much more engaged, the player should have to assist or do the following tasks asked by the farm hand...or run the risk of getting 50% less produce (50% chance) per day/tick.

Treat the current farm patches
Water Existing Dried Patches
Add Compost/Super Compost to empty plots
Eliminate Farm Pests (rabbits, birds, slugs, etc) (No combat or slayer exp will be gained)
Re-Supply the Farm Handler with tools, plant cures, planter pots, etc.

Only 3 tasks need to be completed to ensure a 100% yield per day, and is completely optional, but you run the moderate risk of only getting 50% yield a day if you choose not to assist the farm handler if you elect for produce.

Seed Output should be reduced by 25%, while Herb Seeds should be increased by 20%...with the removal of Low End herb seeds. We receive low end herb seeds easily from slayer and pickpocketing Master Farmer
Runescape Player since 2007

Ultimate Construction Update! - QFC: 74-75-76-65876528
- Go Read It and Comment Away!
Player Owned Kingdoms Update! - QFC: 74-75-440-66076908
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17-Jan-2019 19:10:21 - Last edited on 09-Jun-2021 17:55:55 by Ketsujo

Nov Member 2022


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Lets dabble a little bit here. Why does the Kingdom have a select variety of trees? Evergreen, Maple, Teak, Mahogany, maybe an Oak or Two? What?...No Willow? No Yew? No Magic?! Strange...what about that mythical portion of land beneath Miscellania Castle? Its caves have held on to Elder an Elder Tree needs to sprout up!

Nests should maintain their ratio.
Bird Feathers should now be included in wood drops. 15 (any):2 nests obtained.
Standard Logs - 50% less than the output of maple logs*
Oak Logs - 1:5 logs obtained*
Willow Logs - 1:10 logs obtained*
Maple Logs - 1:5 Oak logs obtained*
Yew Logs - 1:5 Willow logs obtained*

Hard Wood

While the rates in which we're shelled out hardwood are nice, the tables can be changed up a smidge. Every piece of land throughout this game has a variety of trees, and lets be realistic, Canafis and the Wilderness are the only places where we see Dead Trees thrive. However, Ect and Misc are thriving land masses and should yield all types of trees from the most basic to the uncommon and a few rarities. I would say that the only way for us to be able to attain the rarest of the wood would be to plant a spirit tree in the area, allowing an overflow of mystical energy to continue to permeate the land mass. How more realistic do we have to be at this point? None really. So on to the output of the uncommon to rarer logs we can attain.

Arctic Pine - 25% faster than Teak/Mahogany logs
Teak Logs - Current Rate
Mahogany Logs - Current Rate
Magic Logs - 1:20 Teak logs obtained*
Elder Logs - 1:20 Mahogany logs obtained*

This should keep the market fresh, fletching and firemaking AS WELL AS invention levelers happy and content. All the while, not crashing the market in the least.

* - Indicates a Greater/Lesser Value than Previously Suggested
Runescape Player since 2007

Ultimate Construction Update! - QFC: 74-75-76-65876528
- Go Read It and Comment Away!
Player Owned Kingdoms Update! - QFC: 74-75-440-66076908
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17-Jan-2019 19:10:27 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2023 15:34:02 by Ketsujo

Nov Member 2022


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As of 03/23/2023...(Date subject to change as I enter more thoughts)
So this thread has been up for a Long Time now, and still no indication of a change coming our way in regards to the Kingdom. I would like for this thread to be viewed and sought after by all players possible. Please, tell your friends about it. Tell Pmods about it. Email Jagex about it. *shrugs* Put it up in Discord chats too lmao

In light of Archaeology Update...
The kingdom has heard about the discoveries being made around the main continent of Runescape, and have taken an interest in it. They have sent a messenger to speak to the Archaeology Guild Masters in light of their land possibly holding some ancient ruins and would like to see what can be unearthed on their lands and in the caves below the island.

--This would be a perfect opportunity to expand on our Kingdoms and even throw a bone to the development of the Island in the future. Something to consider jagex...and I'm not saying we should have Cache Deposits for materials (would be nice), but to discover more lore about the Islands themselves, especially Lunar Island. Oh Yes, I went there...--

Taking on more ideas, suggestions, and criticism in light of this post

More to come?...
Runescape Player since 2007

Ultimate Construction Update! - QFC: 74-75-76-65876528
- Go Read It and Comment Away!
Player Owned Kingdoms Update! - QFC: 74-75-440-66076908
- Opinions Needed!

17-Jan-2019 20:45:31 - Last edited on 23-Mar-2023 15:36:00 by Ketsujo

fmod Member


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As this thread is proposing changes, rather than discussing changes that are currently in development (which is what the Future Game Updates Forum is for), it has been moved to the more relevant Forum.

While I'm unsure about changing the rewards from what they currently are, I would love to see another quest, similar to Royal Trouble, that would allow us to unlock access to additional &/or higher level resource rewards. :)

Forum issues? ---> See Forum Help
Account issues? ---> See Account Help

18-Jan-2019 18:29:21

Dec Member 2023


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The kingdom has always been an interesting little spot which I found enjoyable enough to maintain and collect from.

Once I discovered that with appropriate amounts of coffer input and adequate care taken to maintain reputation, on the right output setting I could make money, I was significantly more interested.

I am not sure exactly how much money I made over the years from this D&D but it can't be all too much given the amount I've poured into the coffers.

Anyway I'd propose that the kingdom supplies should be something more akin to protean skilling supplies, providing the ability to train the related skills and perhaps even make the related products (similar to protean planks) but not be a big resource injector into the economy. For the same reason that bots are a scourge to the game's economy I also dislike and disagree with the Kingdom being a plantation slave of the elite.

As a possible alternative to collecting skilling supplies, maybe there could be an "investment" option with the Kingdom coffers, where the output could be straight GP with some possible variable rates like an actual investment would be. I dunno. I am not really all that attached to the Kingdom being a money-maker, but if it was something Jagex thought was a good thing, then sure, something like this could work. Opportunity cost of giving up the skilling supplies.

Anyway yeah that's my two cents.

*imagines running the kingdom for three months and collecting 20 elder logs*

18-Jan-2019 18:36:44

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