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The patch bombs certainly aren't that bad of a money maker as they stand. I mean - if you do not feel like it's a good idea to use them due to ROI - don't use them. There
adequate uses for them, but just because they're too expensive to spam use them on everything related to farming doesn't mean they need to be made more common. That you can create them with invention in the first place was done to make them more available anyway - since there I am with you - CFP is no adequate place to gain them (except for spotlight, which may give you a couple more for thaler if you got everything what you want otherwise). Getting a free patch bomb every 4 patches with 10 seeds of the herb of the day (or 5 patches with some cheaper seed, that may be obtainable/feasible at all times) isn't
bad of a deal, though - just see it as an extra, you wouldn't have gotten before.
And you've got a farming cape, that may throw a patch bomb for you - could be more reliable - but it will save you some trouble.
Other than that - the sole thing I would question - were two kinds of patch bombs even needed? The minigame variant is untradeable and can't be stored with tool leprechauns, but otherwise would be exactly the same - consolidating them certainly could give minigames more value.
Patch bombs are far better than Castle Wars Tickets, especially when we are talking about money making.
Time is money. Saving a few minutes per herb run may means gaining a few minutes to make a lot more money for plenty of players. I can see plenty of pvmers rather buy patch bombs than growth potions.
1 growth potion = 15 patch bombs. Growth potions are definitely more "rare".
18-Nov-2022 16:57:34