I rebuild my house this week and made extensive use of gardens and formal gardens. It would be really nice if for example POH trees were as good looking as the trees outside.
It would also be nice if we could somehow build more rooms than the current limit. Also, the graphics look outdated and some rooms look quite empty and sterile even with every hotspot used.
With all those costumes thrown at us it would be nice if there are more storage options for those in the POH.
Being able to move all rooms just like the Menagerie and Costume room would be a nice option.
No matter how careful you plan the lay-out you always end up with doors leading nowhere, would be nice if these can be made invisible and impassable but also be made available later at the players discretion.
Last but not least it would be nice to have some recurring and rewarding activities in a POH. Like a house in RL needs regular maintenance you could have for example weekly gardening, painting or plumbing giving construction related awards. The awards could be even better if those are done in another players POH in order to enhance the social aspect of the game.
Just some thoughts, TIA!
12-Sep-2012 11:22:11