Country Creation Application
Name of Country
: Third Superian Republic (TSR, or simply Superia)
Capital City: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Government Type: Uniparliamentary Republic
Ruler: Presidente Jose Ramajukariolameria
Population: 1 million
Economy Type: Capitalism
Currency: TSR Dollar (value regularly fluctuates between 1.02 and .98 USD)
Yearly Cash Flow: What is this, GDP? Or annual government income?
Types of Soldiers:
30,000 Superian Regular Army (SRA) troops
4,000 Engineers; 2.5K in Army, 1K in Navy, 500 in SAF
3,000 Supermarine Special Units (SSU)
10,000 Superian Sea Force (SSF) and Naval Air Defense (NAD) Pilots
2,000 SAF (Superian Air Force) Pilots and gunners
1,000 Superian Commando Units (SCU); 300 Juggernauts
Military Tech (weapons and defence):
Small Arms: (all used by SSU)
AK-74- used by SRA
AK-74u- used by SCU and Navy
G36A- used by Army
G36C- used by Army Paratroop Force (APF)
MG36- used by Army and SCU
Barrett M82- used by Army and Navy
Glock 17- used by all
Glock 18- used by SCU
JSTA-V* (Juggernaut Stormtrooper Armor)- used by SCU Juggernauts
Vehicles and other weapons and tech will come later.
What are rules 1 and 9?: No overpowering, stay sensible.
*JSTA suits are made of high-strength inorganic compounds that enable the user to survive shots of up to .50 caliber, as well as protection from most indirect blasts. SCU Juggernaut teams are usually used during urban operations.
Start Date: August 22nd, 2014.
Planet you want to start out in (optional): Earth- Chile, Argentina, Subsequent Antarctican Territories, and Falkland Islands.
22-Aug-2014 19:17:43