I should be more active, but I start my part time job next week and World Cup fever is real.
Arrentinian Defense Force Officials have garrisoned the majority of the Venator class ships around Arrentine Major and Palavan. Palavan is now considered the last line of defense for Arrentine Major if an alien threat appears.
Palavan is also constructing Arrentines largest ship building yards, roughly 75% larger than the Dag'Ron Tek Orbital Shipyards. There will be orbital and terrestrial shipbuilding yards to compliment the massive military research labs, training grounds and bases that span the planet.
OOG: With the conclusion of exams after the past two weeks, it is time that I return to this game. Unfortunately, I have no idea what's happened with the Magistrate plot, considering everyone seems to be completely disregarding it.
With this newest upgrade, the Homeostasis Suits, for civilians and soldiers, are completely impervious to all levels of damaging heat and pressure. Not even the stars threaten us, now.