Molly has a twin, Moira -->
Molly and Moira have been featured in the Court Cases as well as Random Events -->
Court Cases and Random Events also feature the River Troll -->
The River Troll is a type of fish monster; it may be an animal -->
Molly is also the name of the Giant Mole Pet, which is an animal.
Kal'g*rion Gem Rocks can be found inside of a dungeon -->
Dungeons can be found within the many floors of Daemonheim -->
Daemonheim is a compound word that means "Demon Home" or "Home of Demons" -->
Demons are a type of Slayer creature -->
Slayer creatures are assigned by Slayer Masters ->
Catolax was once a Slayer Master.
Oh lawdie... Tutorial Island. I miss that place. ;n;
Runescape Guide (Tutorial Island) and *ah
Runescape Guide (Tutorial Island) used to be the place where new players would learn basic skill sets, such as Magic ->
Magic is a requirement for the quest, Fate of the Gods ->
Fate of the Gods is where the player battles Mah
Probably characters; could be other things I, reckon. I can just stick with characters, then. ;n;
Benny Gutenberg and King Black Dragon
Benny Gutenberg is a newspaper salesman in Varrock ->
In Varrock, at the Varrock Museum, there is a dragon named Mr. Mordaut ->
Mr. Mordaut has similar features to the King Black Dragon, whose humble abode can be accessed via Edgeville
Edgeville is the neighbouring town of Varrock ->
Benny Gutenberg lives in Varrock
- King Thoros rules East Ardougne.
- Larry the zoo keeper works/ed in East Ardougne.
- After completing a quest, Chuck takes the place of Larry in East Ardougne zoo.