In regards to this wave situation. I'm not quite sure one can claim ownership of a wave especially after it's been altered. Pom I see no problem, unless I'm overlooking something.
Pomeranian, it still looks like my wave but it's fine, you can use it.
I see what you mean, though, I've changed the bottom of the post so it says don't use the example waves.
× - 0215
x - ...the button after (z: Qwerty) (w: Azerty) (k: Dvorak) (y: Qwertz)
Hmmm they are different...
You've never seen an underscore before??? 0_o
Anyways, these symbols seem to be a sort of emoticon you'd see being used on sites such as twitter.
What's an underscoreee?
Seems odd to have two characters practically the same but just looking ever-so-slightly different.
I posted the weird ‰ on Twitter and it just showed it as ‰...
An underscore is an extremely common symbol, this _ is an underscore. Not sure what it's main purpose is though. alt 0151 is just some weird symbol that looks like an underscore except it is at mid-height.
‰ is not an emoticon, it's just a regular old alt code
Nop Rs
An underscore is an extremely common symbol, this _ is an underscore. Not sure what it's main purpose is though. alt 0151 is just some weird symbol that looks like an underscore except it is at mid-height.
‰ is not an emoticon, it's just a regular old alt code
Thank you Nop!
*goes and writes that down in the dictionary of Icey*