You know, at the warriors guild, to train defense they have a dwarf shoot random stuff at you? Well, this time, the noob was manning the cannon, and "forgot" to give me a shield. I said, "Hey, don't I get a shield?" He said ok and gave me one from a robin hood playset.
Me: How am I--
*noob shoots an anvil*
Oh dear, you are dead!
Edit: Here's another one.
I was at tzhaar, and one of them dropped an obby maul. As I wielded it and shouted "Yes! In your face" to the nearest lv 3, it seemed good.
noob wishes to trade with you
Me: What do you want?
noob wishes to trade with you
noob wishes to trade with you
Me: What do you want???
noob wishes to trade with you
noob wishes to trade with you
noob wishes to trade with you
noob wishes to trade with you
noob wishes to trade with you
Me: All right, what do you want *opens up trade screen*
*noob puts in 14 copper and tin ore*
Me: ???
Noob: You hold it.
Me: Ok...*accepts trade* Whoa, is it just me or did I gain 100 kgs of weight?
Noob: Here, lemme hold the maul for you.
Me: Sure, here ya go *gives noob maul*
Noob: Hey, I can actuall wie--WHOA! *drops maul on my head*
Oh dear, you are dead!
05-Oct-2008 21:03:28
- Last edited on
05-Oct-2008 21:08:58